The Running Dream Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Running Dream Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jessica tell her mom about Rosa in Part IV?
(a) That she opens her eyes.
(b) That she feels bad for her.
(c) That she feels indifferent about her.
(d) That she does not like her.

2. What does Gavin reveal to Jessica in Part V?
(a) He and Merryl broke up.
(b) He and Merryl got married.
(c) He and Merryl are still dating.
(d) He and Merryl are in love.

3. How does Jessica feel she did on the math test in Part IV?
(a) She thinks it was hard.
(b) She thinks it was easy.
(c) She thinks it was ok.
(d) She is not sure how she did.

4. What does Gavin suggest Jessica think about to make the run easier?
(a) Eating lots of protein.
(b) Revamping her wheelchair.
(c) Getting someone else to push Rosa.
(d) Drinking lots of energy drinks.

5. What do the boys think of Jessica’s new leg?
(a) They are indifferent.
(b) They think it is weird.
(c) They think it is ugly and gross.
(d) They think it is cool and awesome.

Short Answer Questions

1. What new features has Dad added to the wheelchair for safety in Part V?

2. Who has seen Jessica’s intimate interaction with Gavin in the driveway?

3. What does Fiona come by to tell Jessica on Sunday in Part IV?

4. What does Jessica discover about her pacing at her first rest stop in River Run?

5. What does Ms. Rucker do when she catches Jessica and Rosa passing notes in Part IV?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Dad impressed when he drops Jessica off at the fundraising event?

2. What does Vanessa do after she trips over a hurdle during her event?

3. Why is Jessica wary about wearing her track uniform to the fundraising event?

4. Why does Jessica’s mom urge her to call Gavin the morning after the fundraising event?

5. How does Jessica do on her big math test?

6. What does Jessica decide about herself when she completes the River Run?

7. Why does Jessica snap at Marla Sumner during an interview for another Channel 7 News segment?

8. Why does Jessica start running with a wheelchair full of plant soil?

9. What does Jessica say is the goal for taking Rosa on the River Run?

10. How does Kyro say Jessica can thank him for raising the money for her running leg?

(see the answer keys)

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