The Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After setting up camp, the father wakes up and the son is gone; after looking for him, what does the father see the son doing?
(a) Eating berries from a nearby bush.
(b) Sitting in an abandoned car.
(c) Bathing in a nearby creek.
(d) Rushing across the field.

2. At the beginning of Chapter 36, how many days has it been since the father and son have eaten?
(a) Six days.
(b) Five days.
(c) Two days.
(d) Three days.

3. After the father and son finish the last of their food supply, what does the son ask the father about eating?
(a) If they will ever have to eat a human.
(b) If they will ever have to eat a horse.
(c) If they will ever have to eat a cat.
(d) If they will ever have to eat a dog.

4. Near the tool shed, the father uncovers a locked trap door to a hidden cellar -- how does the son react?
(a) He begins to cry and passes out.
(b) He runs away.
(c) He begs the father not to enter.
(d) He excitedly asks his father to enter.

5. How does the son feel about his father going in the ocean?
(a) Excited.
(b) Reluctant.
(c) Angry.
(d) Disappointed.

6. What does the father say when he and his son enter the hidden cellar?
(a) "This is the work of the devil."
(b) "Heaven help us."
(c) "Oh my god."
(d) "Thank the lord."

7. What do the father and son find in the nice house?
(a) Tins of food, clothes, and a wheelbarrow.
(b) Gallons of water, shoes, and a wagon.
(c) A barrel of apples, blankets, and a backpack.
(d) Packets of freeze-dried food, a pillow, and a bike.

8. Once the father fills his basket and begins to leave the house, what does he look back and realize is by the house?
(a) An abandoned car.
(b) A cistern of fresh water.
(c) A tank of gasoline.
(d) A pile of dead bodies.

9. After leaving the hidden cellar and stopping for the night, the son asks the father a question -- how does the father answer?
(a) The father tells him they will eat stuff from the cellar.
(b) The father tells the son he cannot see the gun.
(c) The father tells the son they will not be going back to the hidden cellar.
(d) The father asks where the son has heard such a term.

10. After the father and son run from the nice looking house and hide, how many people do they see walking towards the house?
(a) Two.
(b) Six.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

11. What does the son think is inside the nice house?
(a) A bomb.
(b) Wild dogs.
(c) A person.
(d) Spiders.

12. What does the father say about their first night back on the road?
(a) It is their best night so far.
(b) They are almost to their destination.
(c) It is their worst night so far.
(d) He does not know if he can go on.

13. How does the father get the son to enter the nice house?
(a) He picks up the son and carries him.
(b) He yells at the son.
(c) He begs the son.
(d) He reassures the son.

14. In Chapter 35, how is the son starting to change?
(a) He is becoming more frightened and relies on his father for everything.
(b) He is becoming more reckless and does not think before he acts.
(c) He is becoming quieter and barely speaks at all.
(d) He is becoming stronger and offering his point of view.

15. How are the father and son feeling when they leave the hidden cellar?
(a) They have full stomachs and are in high spirits.
(b) Tired and anxious.
(c) Sick to their stomachs and in low spirits.
(d) Upset with each other because the son wants to stay.

Short Answer Questions

1. The father carries his son across a field, but he has to stop every _____ steps.

2. At the beginning of Chapter 26, where do the father and son sleep?

3. Why does the father not want to stay in the hidden cellar?

4. How many days do the father and son stay in the nice house?

5. Before leaving the house and barn, the father and son collect more _______ before they head back on the road.

(see the answer keys)

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