The Road to Wigan Pier Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Road to Wigan Pier Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When a miner comes up from the pit, why does he appear to be pale?
(a) Because he has not been in the sun.
(b) Because of the foul air he has been breathing.
(c) Because he is exhausted.
(d) Because he is thirsty.

2. What is a "gob fire?"
(a) A coal fire.
(b) A spontaneously generating fire.
(c) A cigarette fire.
(d) A spontaneous heat problem.

3. In what positions did Orwell find himself moving through the tunnels in the coal mine?
(a) Bent over, squatting and running.
(b) Bent over, squatting and crawling.
(c) Standing, crawling and moving on his belly.
(d) Bent over, crawling and twisting.

4. To what did Orwell compare the sound of the conveyor belt in the mine?
(a) A loud hum.
(b) A machine gun.
(c) Thunder.
(d) An echo.

5. What were some of the restrictions placed on residents of Corporation housing?
(a) No animals or pets, no laundry lines.
(b) No cars parked on the street, no pets larger than fifty pounds.
(c) No trash on the streets, no outdoor fires.
(d) No poultry or pigeons, no neighborhood pubs.

6. What did Orwell learn had happened to Wigan Pier?
(a) It had been demolished.
(b) It was a myth and never existed.
(c) It was turned into a diner.
(d) It was converted into a caravan park.

7. What is a snap can?
(a) A can with medical supplies.
(b) A cold can of iced tea.
(c) A lunch can that is strapped onto a belt.
(d) A can of sardines strapped onto a belt for lunch.

8. What was one problem faced by the tenant moving from slum housing into new housing?
(a) The lack of medical care.
(b) The outdoor plumbing.
(c) The higher expense.
(d) The noise level.

9. According to Mrs. Brooker, who was "at Canada?"
(a) Many of her husband's relatives.
(b) Many of her former boarders.
(c) Many of her children.
(d) Many of her aunts and uncles.

10. What did the fillers wear?
(a) Thin drawers, clogs and knee pads.
(b) Shorts, light tee shirts and knee pads.
(c) Long cotton pants and clogs.
(d) Shorts, light tee shirts and clogs.

11. What was the only quality associated with hell that was not in the coal mine?
(a) Noise.
(b) Fire.
(c) Darkness.
(d) Foul air.

12. Upon what did Orwell believe our civilization is based?
(a) Coal.
(b) Marriage.
(c) Money.
(d) Law.

13. At what point did Orwell leave the Brooker's boarding house?
(a) When he had enough of the other men sharing his room.
(b) When all of his belongings were stolen.
(c) When he found there was a full chamber pot under the breakfast table.
(d) When his wallet was stolen.

14. How did Orwell describe the meals at the Brooker's house?
(a) "Abjectly woeful."
(b) "Uniformly disgusting."
(c) "Uniformly pitiful."
(d) "Pitifully disgusting."

15. How did one member of the press see Orwell's presence in Wigan?
(a) Orwell was there to vilify humanity.
(b) Orwell was there to snoop into poor people's lives.
(c) Orwell did not understand the suffering of the poor.
(d) Orwell was a fascist.

Short Answer Questions

1. What other types of expenses were taken from the miner's pay?

2. In one town, what was built instead of public housing the town desperately needed?

3. What is the first thing a miner does when he comes up from the mine?

4. What is a "dataller?"

5. With what phrase did all of Mrs. Brooker's complaints end?

(see the answer keys)

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