The Road to Wigan Pier Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Road to Wigan Pier Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what phrase did all of Mrs. Brooker's complaints end?
(a) "I just as well die tonight!"
(b) "It does seem 'ard, don't it now?"
(c) "I hate it all, all I say."
(d) "It do seem unfair, don't it?"

2. What is one superstition miner sometimes hold to?
(a) It is bad luck to kiss a woman goodbye before going into the mines.
(b) It is bad luck to see a woman before going to work in the morning shift.
(c) It is bad luck to wear red into the mines.
(d) It is bad luck to carry a photograph of one's children into the mines.

3. What is a "gob fire?"
(a) A cigarette fire.
(b) A spontaneous heat problem.
(c) A coal fire.
(d) A spontaneously generating fire.

4. What did each of the permanent lodgers get for their ten shillings a week rent?
(a) A bedroom, a shared bath, and two meals a day.
(b) A bed in the attic and meals that were mostly bread and butter.
(c) An attic room, a toilet, and one meal a day.
(d) A couch in a living area, a shared bath, and one meal a day.

5. What creature did Orwell see a surprising abundance of in the coal mine?
(a) Moles.
(b) Bats.
(c) Mice.
(d) Rats.

6. What kind of shop was attached to the Brooker's boarding house?
(a) A women's dress shop.
(b) A smoke shop.
(c) A tripe shop.
(d) A small grocery.

7. What were the first sounds Orwell heard in the morning when he woke at the Brookers?
(a) The sound of hammering at the house next door.
(b) The sound of Mrs. Brooker bustling around the kitchen.
(c) The sound of birds chirping in the trees.
(d) The sound of mill girls' clogs down the cobbled street.

8. How did Orwell react to the train moving into the countryside?
(a) He was happy to be out of the dark and dirty city.
(b) He was sad to be leaving his home.
(c) He was happy to be seeing his family again.
(d) He was confused as to where the train was headed.

9. For what did the Brookers purchase insurance policies?
(a) They insured their home and shop.
(b) They insured each other.
(c) They insured the lives of both old age pensioners.
(d) They insured their children.

10. What is "buttons down the back?"
(a) The type of shirt worn to keep dust from getting into clothing.
(b) Permanent scabs on vertebrae from scraping the spine on beams.
(c) A death story told to novices just entering the mines.
(d) A joke miners play on each other.

11. How did the Brookers view the two old age pensioners that lived in their house?
(a) They thought of them as a danger because they smoked in bed.
(b) They thought of them as dreadful parasites living on their charity.
(c) They thought of them as two old, quiet men bothering no one.
(d) They did not think of them at all as long as they paid their rent.

12. Upon what did Orwell believe our civilization is based?
(a) Money.
(b) Marriage.
(c) Law.
(d) Coal.

13. When the Corporation cleaned out the slums and moved its occupants, where did it build housing for them?
(a) In the center of town.
(b) Far away from the tenants' employment.
(c) On top of pre-existing housing.
(d) Below ground.

14. What were some of the restrictions placed on residents of Corporation housing?
(a) No poultry or pigeons, no neighborhood pubs.
(b) No cars parked on the street, no pets larger than fifty pounds.
(c) No animals or pets, no laundry lines.
(d) No trash on the streets, no outdoor fires.

15. According to Mrs. Brooker, who was "at Canada?"
(a) Many of her former boarders.
(b) Many of her husband's relatives.
(c) Many of her children.
(d) Many of her aunts and uncles.

Short Answer Questions

1. In a year, how many minors are killed at work?

2. Who were the only permanent lodgers at the Brookers?

3. What was one "perk" given to miners that was actually off-set by transportation costs?

4. What did the fillers wear?

5. What was the only quality associated with hell that was not in the coal mine?

(see the answer keys)

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