The Rise of Silas Lapham Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rise of Silas Lapham Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tom Corey tell his mother the Laphams like to do more than read?
(a) Play tennis.
(b) Sail.
(c) Talk.
(d) Eat.

2. What does Silas Lapham tell Persis he doesn't like about Tom Corey?
(a) Tom doesn't show respect for the mineral paint business.
(b) Tom is too young to marry one of their daughters.
(c) Tom lives off his father instead of supporting himself.
(d) Tom is snobbish and condescending.

3. Who does Silas Lapham credit for his Christian upbringing?
(a) His mother.
(b) His older sister.
(c) His father.
(d) His grandmother.

4. In Chapter Nine, who thinks the Lapham family is below the Corey family?
(a) Silas Lapham.
(b) Irene Lapham.
(c) Tom Corey.
(d) Bromfield Corey.

5. What business idea does Tom Corey propose to Silas Lapham that meets with Lapham's approval?
(a) Increasing the company's advertising.
(b) Lowering the price on his products.
(c) Taking the paint to foreign countries like Mexico.
(d) Adding a cheaper line of paint.

6. What is unusual in the eyes of the Coreys about the beverages the Coreys drink with dinner?
(a) They drink buttermilk.
(b) They drink moonshine whiskey.
(c) They drink lemonade.
(d) They drink ice water instead of tea, coffee, or wine.

7. Who meets the boat with a carriage and driver to take Silas Lapham and Tom Corey home?
(a) Irene Lapham.
(b) Mr. Sewell.
(c) Penelope Lapham.
(d) Persis Lapham.

8. Silas Lapham believes Tom Corey's sole interest is the mineral paint business, but what does Persis Lapham believe has also captured Tom's interest?
(a) Silas Lapham's work ethic.
(b) Irene.
(c) The Lapham family's hospitality.
(d) Penelope.

9. What does Anna Corey think of her son going into Lapham's mineral paint business?
(a) She thinks his father should do the same.
(b) She prefers he start his own company.
(c) She supports the idea.
(d) She finds the idea distasteful.

10. On what street is the Lapham family's Boston home located?
(a) Nankeen Square.
(b) Fifth Avenue.
(c) Rodeo Drive.
(d) Main Street.

11. What does Irene ask Tom Corey to suggest for the new room in the Laphams' Beacon Street home?
(a) A piano.
(b) Books.
(c) Art work.
(d) Furniture.

12. After giving Tom Corey a history of the paint, where does Silas Lapham suggest the young man come to finish their business talk?
(a) New York.
(b) Bar Harbor.
(c) The Lapham cottage in Nantasket.
(d) A restaurant in downtown Boston.

13. Which of the following statements does not describe Irene Lapham's appearance?
(a) She has red hair like her father.
(b) She has a dark complexion and curly hair.
(c) Her eyes are at once intense and tender.
(d) She has blue eyes.

14. What does Anna Corey wish her son had done instead of join Silas Lapham's paint business?
(a) Write a novel.
(b) Take a European tour like Bromfield did in his youth.
(c) Get married.
(d) Join the army.

15. Why does Persis Lapham call her husband the Colonel?
(a) Silas Lapham was a colonel in the Revolutionary War.
(b) Silas Lapham is rigid and disciplined like an army officer.
(c) Silas Lapham reminds her of her father, an army colonel.
(d) Silas Lapham was a colonel in the Civil War.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following statements does not appear in the description of Silas Lapham that Bartley Hubbard writes for his newspaper article?

2. When Irene refuses to join Tom Corey and her family for tea in Chapter Six, what is her mother's reaction?

3. To where does Silas Lapham want to take Bromfield Corey for a fish dinner?

4. What have the Corey ladies lost when they first meet the Laphams?

5. Which member of the Lapham family has been reading the novel Tom Corey sees on the Lapham parlor table?

(see the answer keys)

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