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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which is a reason that Dinah and her son are kept apart?
(a) Dinah's son does not know who his birth mother is
(b) Dinah moves away while he is a baby
(c) Re-nefer refuses to let them spend any time together
(d) She is a lowly midwife and he is an educated prince
2. Why is Rebecca disappointed with Dinah?
(a) Dinah is not the heir to Mamra
(b) Dinah judges other too easliy
(c) Dinah is foolish
(d) Dinah constantly enbarasses Rebecca
3. Why is Dinah hopeful at the end of the chapter?
(a) Dinah is falling in love again
(b) Re-nefer has left Egypt ,giving Dinah a chance to get to know Re-mose
(c) Re-mose has decided to live with her
(d) Dinah is beginning a successful career as a nanny
4. What becomes of Rachel?
(a) She loses her beauty as she ages
(b) She disowns Leah as a sister
(c) She dies giving birth to Benjamin
(d) She continues on to become a famous midwife
5. What becomes of Bilhah?
(a) She dies in childbirth
(b) She stays with Jacob until he dies
(c) She falls in love with Simon
(d) She disappears
6. How long does it take for Dinah and Benia to be reunited?
(a) three months
(b) three years
(c) two years
(d) three weeks
7. What does Dinah begin to take an interest in?
(a) making clothes
(b) cooking
(c) being a midwife
(d) nursing babies
8. Where does Re-mose go to school?
(a) Memphis
(b) Giza
(c) Alexandria
(d) Cairo
9. Who does DInah call the women who work for Rebecca?
(a) The Werenros
(b) The Deborahs
(c) The Rebeccas
(d) The Elizabeths
10. Why do Egyptians seek out the Cannanite woman named Dinah?
(a) They know she is the reason Shechum was destroyed
(b) Dinah is very beautiful
(c) They hear of her midwife expertise
(d) They learn she is the mother of Re-mose
11. Who is Rebecca furious with?
(a) Adath
(b) Taeba
(c) Bilhah
(d) DInah
12. What happens the night that all the Shechum men are circumcised?
(a) The men revolt and refuse to get circumcised
(b) They rest peaefully
(c) They are murdered by Dinah's family
(d) Dinah's brothers realize they want to accept Dinah's new family
13. Why does Re-mose threaten Zafenat Paneh-ah?
(a) He is angry that Zafenat Paneh-ah's family took away his future
(b) Zafenat Paneh-ah punishes Re-mose for defying him
(c) Zafenat Paneh-ah has offended Re-mose's mother
(d) Re-mose does not get a promotion he was promised.
14. Why does DInah continue to feel distant from her son?
(a) Re-nefer has forced them apart by telling Re-mose bad things about his mother
(b) He has gone away to school
(c) He pretends that he does not know her
(d) She feels ashamed to be his mother
15. Upon her return to her father's camp, who is Dinah angry with?
(a) Jacob
(b) Zilpah
(c) Rachel
(d) Leah
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Re-nefer threaten Dinah?
2. What happens to Reuben?
3. Who out of Jacob's wives does Rebecca disapprove of?
4. What happens to Zilpah?
5. What does Meryt become to DInah?
This section contains 539 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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