The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Matt Ridley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Matt Ridley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Through sexual reproduction, what are offspring dealt?
(a) Weak genes.
(b) Genes too similar to their parents.
(c) A different bag of genes from their parents.
(d) Weak and strong genes.

2. Why is the Vicar of Bray theory flawed?
(a) It does not take sexual reproduction into account.
(b) It has been proven wrong over the centuries.
(c) It sees evolution as the goal of an organisim.
(d) It was made up by someone who is not a scientist.

3. How does Chapter 5 begin?
(a) With mating behavior of Australian brush turkeys.
(b) With observations about pine moles.
(c) With an explanation of courtship.
(d) With the story of a fisherman.

4. In the author's opinion, what is not the primary goal of an organism?
(a) Killing one another.
(b) Reproduction.
(c) Survival.
(d) Evolution.

5. What is the continuous arms race that occurs between organisms?
(a) World War II.
(b) No one can catch up.
(c) Once an advantage is gained, the loser will adapt to negate the advantage.
(d) People will try to kill one another so that their genes may carry on.

6. To understand human nature, what must we understand?
(a) Differences in humans.
(b) The origin of human nature.
(c) The origin of emotions.
(d) The origin of attraction between humans.

7. Who created the tangled bank theory?
(a) Leigh Van Valen.
(b) Graham Bell.
(c) Charles Darwin.
(d) Richard Dawkins.

8. Lower class individuals tend to have _________.
(a) Male babies.
(b) More babies.
(c) Female babies.
(d) Less babies.

9. What is the "good genes" theory?
(a) More attractive males will produce beautiful children.
(b) Smart people are attracted to other smart people.
(c) More attractive people make smart people.
(d) Beautiful children are evil.

10. From a biologist's point of view, sexual reproduction is more _________ than asexual reproduction.
(a) Expensive.
(b) Risky.
(c) Unnecessary
(d) Annoying.

11. What is the tangled bank theory?
(a) Different organisms in an environment saturated with similar organisms have a greater likelihood of survival.
(b) It is more advantageous for humans to asexually produce.
(c) Sexual reproduction is the riskiest way for humans to reproduce.
(d) Sexual reproduction allows for a smaller number of very exceptional offspring.

12. At the end of Chapter 3, what does the author say will be explored in the next chapter?
(a) More ways that evolution can work against organisims.
(b) How babies are made.
(c) Why babies are hard to keep alive.
(d) Why there are men and women.

13. Why does this organism present a mystery to the question of reproduction?
(a) The organism gave up sexual reproduction.
(b) It is extinct and cannot be studied.
(c) The organism decided to self replicate.
(d) It kills other organisms that participate in it.

14. In humans, what does evolution rely on?
(a) Fission.
(b) Asexual reproduction.
(c) Sexual Reproduction.
(d) Sexual and asexual reproduction.

15. Instead of scientists concentrating on why humans are the way they are, they should concentrate on _________.
(a) A way to study humans without them knowing.
(b) Why humans are the way they are.
(c) How they got to be the way they are.
(d) Where humans live.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does being fast allow for a gazelle to do?

2. What was the 16th century cleric known for besides his scientific theories?

3. What is the chief competitor to the tangled bank theory and lottery theory?

4. How do species outwit killer viruses?

5. Are individuals involved in evolution aware of the choices they are making?

(see the answer keys)

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