The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kate Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kate Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On April 2, 1925, Arthur Roeder invited Frederick Hoffman to the Orange plant to use the new signs he had erected that warned workers not to put the radium paint-laden brushes in their mouths. In what field was Frederick Hoffman employed?
(a) Disease control.
(b) Industrial waste.
(c) Statistics.
(d) Chemistry.

2. When Katherine Schaub first started working at Radium Luminous Materials Corporation, she was placed into an apprenticeship in what position?
(a) Floor-sweeper.
(b) Cafeteria worker.
(c) Dial-painter.
(d) Inspector.

3. Who was the first of the United States dial-painters to file suit against her employer?
(a) Peg Looney.
(b) Marguerite Carlough.
(c) Katherine Schaub.
(d) Grace Fryer.

4. What color was the mark the scientist found on his skin in 1901 after keeping a piece of radium in his pocket, as described in the book's prologue?
(a) Red.
(b) Brown.
(c) Green.
(d) Black.

5. To what position was Katherine Schaub promoted after the term of her apprenticeship?
(a) Tax adjuster.
(b) Dial-painter.
(c) Forewoman.
(d) Inspector.

6. For what period of time did Swen Kjaer's national study of the radium dial-painting industry last?
(a) One year.
(b) Three weeks.
(c) Three years.
(d) Three months.

7. Why was radium such a scarce resource?
(a) Radium destroyed itself very quickly upon coming into contact with oxygen.
(b) Only one location in the world existed from which the radium could be extracted.
(c) Radium was very difficult to extract from its source.
(d) The main continent on which radium could be found was Antarctica.

8. Most dial-painters in the United States were the daughters and granddaughters of whom?
(a) Scientists.
(b) Socialists.
(c) Immigrants.
(d) Industrialists.

9. In what city was the Radium Luminous Materials Corporation located?
(a) Orange, California.
(b) New York, New York.
(c) Ottawa, Illinois.
(d) Newark, New Jersey.

10. What song about radium became a hit after being featured in the Broadway musical Piff! Paff! Pouf!?
(a) Radium Dance.
(b) Radium Racket.
(c) Radium City.
(d) Radium Romance.

11. Sabin von Schocky held what position at Radium Luminous Materials Corporation?
(a) Accountant.
(b) Human Resources Director.
(c) Inspector.
(d) Founder.

12. How old was Katherine Schaub when she first started working at the Radium Luminous Materials Corporation?
(a) 18.
(b) 16.
(c) 14.
(d) 11.

13. Though during Swen Kjaer's visit to the Radium Dial studio in Ottowa, he saw water bowls being used by the dial-painters to clean their brushes, how does his observation during the visit differ from photographs he is given at a later date?
(a) In the photographs, there are no bowls at all.
(b) In the photographs, the bowls are empty.
(c) In the photographs, the bowls are turned over.
(d) In the photographs, the bowls contain only radium dust.

14. In early-twentith century popular culture, radium was dubbed as liquid what?
(a) Health.
(b) Luminosity.
(c) Pep.
(d) Sunshine.

15. When Swen Kjaer from the Bureau of Labor Statistics conducted an investigation of Radium Dial's scientific laboratories in 1925, what two safeguards did he find the scientists using in their work with radium?
(a) Protective suits and gloves.
(b) Lead aprons and safety glasses.
(c) Safety glasses and limited working hours.
(d) Lead screens and vacations from work.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what day in 1917 did Congress vote America into joining World War I?

2. In what year was radium first discovered?

3. Katherine Wiley, the woman who conducted an independent investigation into the health of the dial-painters at the United States Radium Corporation, worked for what organization?

4. Until 1922, Cecil K. Drinker's department at Harvard was wholly funded by what source?

5. As the most valuable substance on earth, how much did a single gram of radium cost in 1917?

(see the answer keys)

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