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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. As Beth packs, she searched frantically for the one item that mattered the most. What is that item?
2. Where does Beth store the pills she is collecting?
3. To where is Beth moving?
4. How old is Beth at the start of Chapter 3?
5. Whom does Mrs. Wheatley say are the only girls that work?
Short Essay Questions
1. What are all the children given at the orphanage in little paper cups? Why? How does Beth feel about this?
2. Why does Beth attempt to steal pills from the pharmacy?
3. What are two things that Beth realizes she has figured out in the first chapter?
4. What does Beth think and do when a nice couple with an accent comes in to adopt a child?
5. How does Beth get the job of cleaning the erasers after arithmetic class?
6. Where is Beth placed, initially, at her first chess tournament? Why?
7. How is Beth able to get away for a length of time to play chess?
8. How does Beth lose her fear of volleyball?
9. How does the reader first learn about Beth’s appearance? How does she describe herself?
10. What does Beth use to fall asleep at night? Why?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Beth is sure that her best way to win chess is through intuition. How does she learn this may be incorrect? When does study of chess and chess history start to prove to be beneficial? How does this reinforce the idea that to be really successful one must have a combination of natural gift and training?
Essay Topic 2
Sexuality is introduced early on in the book. How does Beth learn about sex and sexual acts? What is her reaction to this? How is she affected by this? Why might the author have chosen to do this? How does it affect you as the reader?
Essay Topic 3
Oppression is a theme in this book. When does Beth first experience oppression? What other characters are also oppressed? Why? What do all of these characters have in common?
This section contains 780 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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