The Prince and the Pauper Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prince and the Pauper Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Edward renamed?
(a) King Foo-Foo the First.
(b) King of the Game-Cocks.
(c) King of Nothing the First.
(d) Kin of the Game-Cocks the Third.

2. The crowd no longer harasses Miles because ___________.
(a) They are told to go home.
(b) They now believe that Edward is the King.
(c) They are impressed with his bravery.
(d) They hate Hugh and don't want to help Hugh.

3. Where does the whipping boy ask Miles to wait?
(a) In the foyer.
(b) In the gardens.
(c) On a stone bench.
(d) In the arena.

4. Who is Arthur?
(a) Miles' youngest brother.
(b) Mary's brother.
(c) Miles' older brother.
(d) Edith's brother.

5. What test does Hertford give Edward?
(a) Asks him a question in Latin, then in Greek.
(b) Asks him where the great seal can be found.
(c) Asks him a question about court etiquette.
(d) Asks him a question in Latin.

6. What does Miles want from Sir Marlow?
(a) For Marlow to visit Edward.
(b) For Marlow to arrange an audience with the king.
(c) For Marlow to plead his case with Hugh.
(d) For Marlow to take Edward under his wing.

7. Who sees Miles outside the palace?
(a) Edward.
(b) Sir Drake.
(c) The whipping boy.
(d) Sir Marlow.

8. Who becomes a source of information for Miles while Miles is being detained?
(a) Sir Robert Blake.
(b) Blake Andrews.
(c) Miles' former nurse.
(d) Andrew Henlon.

9. Why are Edward and Miles separated?
(a) The King's Guard recognizes Edward.
(b) Edward is discovered by his older sister Mary.
(c) The festivities in London.
(d) The King's Guard arrests Miles.

10. Who threw the old man in the hut out of London?
(a) Henry VIII.
(b) Henry II.
(c) The archbishop of Canterbury.
(d) John IV.

11. Who is arriving at the farm as Edward is leaving?
(a) Two soldiers.
(b) Hugo and Canty.
(c) Hugo.
(d) Miles.

12. Mile's younger brother says that he received ______________.
(a) A letter from Miles saying he would not be returning for another year.
(b) A letter from Miles' lawyer.
(c) A letter saying Miles died in battle.
(d) A letter from Miles abdicating his title.

13. Why is Edward relieved?
(a) He survived the night in the cold barn.
(b) The farmer will take him to London.
(c) The farmer offers Edward a large breakfast.
(d) He is believed when he says he is the King.

14. Who wins the fight between Hugo and Edward?
(a) They are interrupted before either has the upper hand.
(b) Edward.
(c) The outlaws call it a draw.
(d) Hugo.

15. Who says he does not recognize Miles?
(a) Miles' father.
(b) Miles' old nanny.
(c) Miles' butler.
(d) Hugh.

Short Answer Questions

1. What punishment does Hugh suggest for Edward?

2. Hugo and Edward fight with ____________.

3. What does Miles say about Hugo?

4. What astonishes Edward after breakfast?

5. What is now abhorrent to Tom?

(see the answer keys)

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