The Predators' Ball Test | Final Test - Medium

Connie Bruck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Predators' Ball Test | Final Test - Medium

Connie Bruck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What made Drexel's troubles even worse after Boesky Day?
(a) The FBI wiretapped Milken's and Drexel's offices.
(b) The firm defaulted on its building mortgage.
(c) The firm was hated by many on Wall Street.
(d) Both New York and California started independent investigations.

2. What had been Perelman's greatest acquisition before Revlon?
(a) Technicolor
(b) Todd-a-o
(c) NBC
(d) Cinemascope

3. What happened in April of 1987 while the investigation of Milken and Drexel was proceeding?
(a) Milken tried to bribe an FBI undercover agent.
(b) Milken fled the country.
(c) The Predators' Ball was cancelled.
(d) The 1987 Predators' Ball was held.

4. Why did none of the thirty bills introduced covering takeovers in 1984-85 pass?
(a) The Congress did not think it was an important matter.
(b) Drexel took leading politicians on a vacation to the Bahamas.
(c) Many politicians who received large contributions attended the Predators' Ball in 1986.
(d) Congress was waiting for a supreme court decision.

5. What did Milken demand from everyone around him?
(a) any information they overheard
(b) things done the way he wanted them done
(c) more money for his services
(d) that they call him Mr. Milken

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Bergerac's associates tell him about Perelman?

2. What could happen to Drexel with so much power vested in one man?

3. How was Joseph building his diversified team?

4. What was beginning to happen during this time?

5. How did Milken's unit function within the larger firm?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Drexel achieve god-like status with investors?

2. How was favoritism shown at Drexel?

3. How did Milken disagree with the idea that liquidity was scarce?

4. What role did LTV play in identifying a weakness in the junk market?

5. How widespread was Milken's competition by the fall of 1986?

6. How was fear affecting Drexel during the investigations?

7. Before Revlon, what had been Perelman's biggest success?

8. Why did Sanford Sigoloff switch from Salomon Brothers to Drexel when he was acquiring Wickes?

9. What evolved after many customers first dealt with Milken?

10. Describe the attempts to prevent Perelman's acquisition of Revlon.

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