The Postcard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Berest
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Postcard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Berest
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who asked their mother about the numbers tattooed on people's arms?
(a) Gerard.
(b) Anne.
(c) Georges.
(d) Deborah.

2. Who was the first in their town to register as Jewish?
(a) Vicente.
(b) Myriam.
(c) Emmanuel.
(d) Ephraim.

3. Who was arrested for drinking at a bar?
(a) Jean.
(b) Noémie.
(c) Jacques.
(d) Myriam.

4. How did Lélia's mail end up on the ground?
(a) She always threw her mail on the ground out of anger.
(b) She did not have a mailbox.
(c) Her postal worker didn not like her.
(d) Her mailbox was broken.

5. Who observed Myriam and found her to be less pretty than Vicente's last girlfriend?
(a) Noémie.
(b) Emma.
(c) Gabriele.
(d) Jeanine.

6. When did Lélia receive the postcard?
(a) March 2014.
(b) January 2023.
(c) January 2003.
(d) August 1945.

7. When were Ephraim and Emma arrested?
(a) February 1944.
(b) July 1941.
(c) October 1942.
(d) January 1943.

8. After her encounter with police, where is Myriam dropped off?
(a) A hospital.
(b) Vicente's apartment.
(c) Les Forges.
(d) A train station.

9. How did Anne and Lélia get a hint to check out the Fauchere home?
(a) They received an anonymous phone call.
(b) He invited them over.
(c) They received a note in the mail.
(d) The mayor gave them a warning.

10. Who is Georges?
(a) Myriam's second husband.
(b) Claire's husband.
(c) Clara's father.
(d) Anne's boyfriend.

11. What does Lélia want to see at the town hall?
(a) Her mother's photos.
(b) A photo of Jacques.
(c) Noémi's notebooks.
(d) Her parents' marriage certificate.

12. How did Monsieur Bouveris die?
(a) He had an accidental overdose.
(b) He had cancer.
(c) He died by suicide.
(d) He was in a car accident.

13. What was interesting about the weather on the day the postcard was sent?
(a) There was a blizzard.
(b) There was a tornado in Paris.
(c) It was the hottest day on record.
(d) It was extremely humid.

14. What job did Myriam dream about having?
(a) English teacher.
(b) Lawyer.
(c) Philosophy professor.
(d) Revolutionary.

15. Who did Ephraim and Emma visit on their way to Palestine?
(a) Emmanuel.
(b) Aniouta.
(c) Boris.
(d) Emma's parents.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Ephraim realize he had not been alone in ten years?

2. What was the other name for Convoy 14?

3. What kind of invention did Boris create?

4. Who did Noémie work with in the infirmary?

5. Who does Emma teach?

(see the answer keys)

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