The Possessed Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Possessed Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is The Possessed an inaccurate transposition of the story of the swine in Luke?
(a) Russia's tumultuous revolution dwarfs the revolutionary action of the novel.
(b) The devils are more destructive in the story, and also more difficult to control.
(c) The devils reside in the human heart, and can never be cast out completely.
(d) The devils that haunt Russia are not as easy to cast out as Peter and his radicals.

2. Who does Peter allow into the fête?
(a) Writers and artists.
(b) Lower-class people.
(c) Radical agitators.
(d) Criminals and prostitutes.

3. Whom does Stavrogin defend from Peter?
(a) Virginsky.
(b) Fedka.
(c) Captain Leybatkin.
(d) Shatov.

4. What led to the release of the demons in Russia in the nineteenth century?
(a) Convulsions associated with modernization.
(b) The invention of the railroad.
(c) The publication of Darwin's Origin of Species.
(d) The invention of the printing press.

5. Who had a hand in manipulating Lisa to be with Stavrogin?
(a) Shatov.
(b) Liputin.
(c) Peter.
(d) Virginsky.

6. Why is Lisa Tushin killed?
(a) She is killed by the radicals, who want to get to Stavrogin.
(b) She is killed accidentally when her carriage turns over.
(c) The townspeople blame her for the murder of Captain and Mary Lebyatkin.
(d) The police convict her of the murder of Captain and Mary Lebyatkin and execute her.

7. What is the real purpose of the gathering at Virginsky's house?
(a) Planning to overthrow the government.
(b) A planning meeting for Mrs. Lembke's fête.
(c) A literary club meeting.
(d) A radical political meeting.

8. What happens to Stavrogin as the novel concludes?
(a) He is imprisoned for Mary's murder.
(b) He returns to his mother's home.
(c) He returns to the military and moves away.
(d) He commits suicide.

9. What does Blum say about the search at Peter Verkhovensky's?
(a) Virginsky had testified that Peter was the leader of the radical group.
(b) The police found what they were looking for.
(c) It was a mistake.
(d) Shatov had tipped the police off.

10. Shatov is happy to see his wife in spite of what?
(a) Her disdain for him.
(b) Her illness.
(c) Her infidelity.
(d) Her poverty.

11. Who do the townspeople believe killed Mary and Captain Lebyatkin?
(a) Liputin.
(b) Shatov.
(c) Stavrogin.
(d) Fedka.

12. What crime is Fedka implicated in?
(a) Arson.
(b) Treason.
(c) Murder.
(d) Theft.

13. What happens to the swine in the story from Luke?
(a) They are killed and eaten after Jesus fills them with devils.
(b) They drown after Jesus fills them with devils.
(c) They are disemboweled and scattered around the town after Jesus fills them with devils.
(d) They run wild and ruin the town after Jesus fills them with devils.

14. What does Stavrogin want Fedka to do?
(a) Start a riot.
(b) Kill Shatov.
(c) Return to prison.
(d) Kill Mary and Captain Lebyatkin.

15. What do the police take from Peter Verkhovensky's house?
(a) Guns.
(b) Papers and books.
(c) Radical anarchists.
(d) Money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What had some poor people done to prepare for the fête?

2. Who takes the stage after Stepan Verkhovensky?

3. Why do the townspeople think the Lebyatkins were killed?

4. What does Dostoevsky seem to believe is the problem with Russia?

5. What is the narrator's response to Stepan Verkhovensky's reaction to the search of Peter's house?

(see the answer keys)

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