The Poetics of Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Poetics of Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Many houses are structured in levels, as described in "The House, from Cellar to Garret . . .,"appealing to what sense?
(a) The sense of superiority.
(b) The sense of vertical rising.
(c) The sense of being closer to God.
(d) The sense of escape.

2. What can be said of a closed box, in the opinion of Bachelard?
(a) It represents forgotten memories.
(b) It has more to see and experience than an open chest.
(c) It inspires the poetic spirit.
(d) It represents the human need for secrecy and confinement.

3. What is a center of order in a house, according to Bachelard?
(a) Stairways.
(b) The brain.
(c) Decorative objects.
(d) The wardrobe.

4. Bachelard realized his acquired knowledge in science was inadequate to understand what?
(a) The real estate market.
(b) The intricacies of architecture.
(c) The field of psychoanalysis.
(d) The poetic imagination.

5. Bachelard believes that rooms and houses are psychological diagrams writers and poets use to analyze what?
(a) Poetic structure.
(b) Dreams.
(c) Intimacy.
(d) Architecture.

6. With what did Pasternak identify the nest?
(a) Poetry.
(b) The childhood house.
(c) The world and its center.
(d) Nature.

7. For Bachelard, topophilia can be described in what way?
(a) The nature of a plot of land, whether flat or sloped.
(b) Happy space that is eulogized and enjoyed.
(c) Fears related to a house's interior space.
(d) Fear of steep hillsides.

8. The author believes that a well-drawn representation of a house inspires observers to do what?
(a) Yearn for the childhood house.
(b) Daydream or contemplate.
(c) Cherish their own homes.
(d) Build a dream house.

9. Bachelard wishes to distinguish between metaphor and what?
(a) Poetry.
(b) Image.
(c) Dreams.
(d) The spoken word.

10. Who, according to Bachelard, is able to enter the hidden space of the extreme?
(a) The scientist.
(b) The poet.
(c) The architect.
(d) The psychoanalyst.

11. What is a primal image symbolic of a man keeping vigil according to Bachelard?
(a) A hermit's hut.
(b) A man dreaming of poetic imagery.
(c) A vacant house.
(d) A childhood home.

12. Who wrote of "La Redousse"?
(a) Baudelaire.
(b) Bosco.
(c) Rilke.
(d) Bachelard.

13. Bachelard's topoanalysis considers houses with at most how many levels?
(a) Two, including cellar and attic.
(b) Four, excluding cellar and attic.
(c) Three, including cellar and attic.
(d) Four, including cellar and attic.

14. The painter, Vlaminck, compared the contentment of humans to what?
(a) The security of a snail shell.
(b) The majesty of a cathedral.
(c) The refuge a rat finds in his hole or a rabbit in his burrow.
(d) The security of a chrysalis.

15. Bachelard theorizes that dreams of nests inspire what?
(a) Dreams of security.
(b) Poetry.
(c) Fear of flying.
(d) A desire to have a home that opens to nature.

Short Answer Questions

1. Central to the author's main theme in "Nests," how does a simple image avoid intimidation?

2. Bergson called drawers concepts into which what is classified?

3. Ultimately, as explained in "The House, from Cellar to Garret . . .," what can be used to communicate with other souls?

4. For Bachelard, breaking from the principles of scientific prudence is necessary in order to do what?

5. A poetic image is independent of what according to Bachelard?

(see the answer keys)

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