The Perfect Mother Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Aimee Molloy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 242 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Perfect Mother Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Aimee Molloy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 242 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: Chapter Twenty-Epilogue.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the implied reason that the women do not leave the apartment as soon as they realize the truth about Scarlett?
(a) They are trying to record a confession.
(b) They want to see if the baby is actually Midas.
(c) They are hoping to get Scarlett to turn herself in.
(d) They are afraid that Scarlett will shoot them.

2. What kind of books does Colette write?
(a) Ghostwritten memoirs.
(b) Historical romances.
(c) Murder mysteries.
(d) Parenting manuals.

3. On page 294, what does Scarlett tell the other women her parenting philosophy is?
(a) "One Shitty Diaper Away from Insanity."
(b) "Mothers: Fuck All of You."
(c) "Motherhood is a Sacrifice."
(d) "Babies are Breakable."

4. In Chapter Twenty-One, what have Nell and Colette agreed to do that takes them outside on such a rainy day?
(a) They have agreed to attend an emergency May Mothers' meeting.
(b) They have agreed to Lowell's request for help with Francie.
(c) They have agreed to Falk's request for an interview about Winnie.
(d) They have agreed to go with Francie to deliver a letter.

5. On page 290, how does Scarlett characterize the emails Francie has been sending her?
(a) "Disturbing."
(b) "Callous."
(c) "Suspicious."
(d) "Pathetic."

Short Answer Questions

1. Immediately after Scarlett stabs Colette. what shift occurs in the narrative?

2. Why is Francie so insistent on talking to Scarlett?

3. Where is Bodhi Mogaro eventually located?

4. What does the narrator suspect that she and Nell have in common?

5. When Francie talks to Token in his apartment, whom does she begin to suspect he knew based on his remarks?

(see the answer key)

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