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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Where does Douglas Pavlicek caretake for a ranch?
(a) Idaho.
(b) Texas.
(c) Nebraska.
(d) Utah.
2. What kind of tree does Dorothy drive into, crashing her car?
(a) An oak tree.
(b) A pine tree.
(c) A linden tree.
(d) A banyan tree.
3. What object caused Olivia's electrocution?
(a) A lamp.
(b) A hairdryer.
(c) A television.
(d) A microwave.
4. What play have Ray and Dorothy just returned home from when they first appear in "Trunk"?
(a) Guys and Dolls.
(b) Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang.
(c) Macbeth.
(d) Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
5. What is the mushroom that Patricia Westerford almost commits suicide with?
(a) Amanita bisporigera.
(b) Lepiota brunneoincarnata.
(c) Podostroma cornu-damae.
(d) Galerina marginata.
6. By what month are Jorben Hoel and his wife U.S. citizens, according to the narrator in "Nicholas Hoel"?
(a) January.
(b) June.
(c) February.
(d) April.
7. Where does the chestnut tree blight begin, according to the author in "Nicholas Hoel"?
(a) The St. Louis Zoo.
(b) The Bronx Zoo.
(c) The Boston Zoo.
(d) The Audubon Zoo.
8. In what war does Douglas Pavlicek serve in the army?
(a) The Korean War.
(b) The War in Afghanistan.
(c) World War II.
(d) The Vietnam War.
9. When Ray Brinkman and Dorothy Cazaly get back together for the fifth time, she appears at his door with two tickets to where?
(a) Amsterdam.
(b) London.
(c) Rome.
(d) Paris.
10. What kind of trees are portrayed in the production of Macbeth described in "Ray Brinkman and Dorothy Cazaly"?
(a) Pine trees.
(b) Oak trees.
(c) Maple trees.
(d) Banyan trees.
11. How does Neelay become paralyzed?
(a) He falls from a tree.
(b) He falls off a cliff.
(c) He is in a car accident.
(d) He is shot.
12. Who discovered Olivia after she had been electrocuted?
(a) Mark.
(b) Roger.
(c) Davy.
(d) Jack.
13. Where does Olivia stop at the world's largest truck stop along her journey?
(a) Iowa.
(b) Missouri.
(c) Oklahoma.
(d) Texas.
14. What does the college lecturer say is the backbone of civilization just before Olivia leaves the auditorium in "Trunk"?
(a) Nature.
(b) Insurance.
(c) Money.
(d) Love.
15. What new year comes shortly after Olivia's electrocution in "Trunk"?
(a) 1990.
(b) 2000.
(c) 1980.
(d) 1970.
Short Answer Questions
1. What kind of camera is the first the John Hoel buys?
2. In what California town does Olivia observe protesters on television who are trying to protect the trees?
3. What is the name of Patricia Westerford's father?
4. How much were the participants in the Stanford Prison Experiment paid each day?
5. How much money have Dorothy and Ray spent on fertility treatments for the past several years, according to the narrator in "Trunk"?
This section contains 394 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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