The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano Test | Final Test - Medium

Donna Freitas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano Test | Final Test - Medium

Donna Freitas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who immediately calls Rose after she called Addie's phone in Chapter 36?
(a) Jill.
(b) Her father.
(c) Addie's boyfriend.
(d) Luke.

2. In Chapter 24, what does Rose say she wishes Thomas was doing?
(a) Laughing over a memory from a past vacation.
(b) Having sex with her.
(c) Reading with her in front of a fireplace.
(d) Laying at the foot of her bed.

3. What causes a major shift in Rose and Luke's relationship in Chapter 27, Life 8?
(a) The death of Rose's mother.
(b) Rose's affair with Thomas.
(c) A miscarriage.
(d) Jill's disagreement about Rose's pregnancy.

4. Where is Rose when she meets Thomas in Chapter 34, Lives 1 & 2?
(a) A conference in Colorado.
(b) A library in Oxford, England.
(c) The cafeteria at her old high school.
(d) A conference in Florida.

5. Where does Luke keep the ring when he proposes to Rose in Chapter 41?
(a) In a jewelry box.
(b) In a cupcake he brought for Rose.
(c) In a bush nearby.
(d) In his pocket.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rose say she needs to become again in Chapter 27?

2. Who is Addie talking to when Rose meets her to jump off the cliff in Chapter 40?

3. How old was Rose when she first jumped off the same cliff in Chapter 40?

4. In Chapter 28, what is the name of Rose's mother's nurse?

5. How tall is the cliff from which Addie is about to jump off in Chapter 40?

Short Essay Questions

1. What drove Rose to apply for the new grant she discusses at the end of the novel? What will she do with the grant money?

2. Who does Rose call after Addie refuses to pick up her cell phone? How does the conversation go?

3. What is Luke doing when Rose wants to finally ask him for a divorce in Chapter 31?

4. How is Rose’s mother different from Rose? How does her mother respond after Rose says that they are two very different people?

5. How does Rose die in Life 4?

6. Why does Rose compare ending her marriage to a “slow-moving train” (298)?

7. In Chapter 41, Luke proposes to Rose. How does the author use foreshadowing to hint that Luke does not listen thoughtfully to Rose’s desires?

8. After Luke and Rose have “The Sex,” what does Luke suggest they do if their attempts to make a baby fail? How does Rose respond?

9. In Chapter 40, what is the significance of Rose deciding to jump off the beach cliff with Addie?

10. When Luke finally agrees to photograph Rose's dying mother in the hospital, what does Rose suddenly remember about Luke?

(see the answer keys)

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