The Neutronium Alchemist Conflict Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neutronium Alchemist Conflict Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter F. Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the Organization ships close in, who launches the Alchemist at the gas giant, setting it to its most destructive capabilities?
(a) Gelai.
(b) Peter.
(c) Mzu.
(d) Joshua.

2. When Quinn's ship arrives at Earth, what is the asteroid he docks with that is connected via a tower?
(a) Supra-Brazil.
(b) Supra-Athena.
(c) Super-Days.
(d) Supra-Peru.

3. When the voidhawks engage the Organization ships in combat, what networks of the planet are forced to retaliate on Nyvan?
(a) GB.
(b) LS.
(c) SD.
(d) KG.

4. Who is in danger of getting caught in the crossfire as space is full of combat wasps and nukes?
(a) Keaton.
(b) Quinn Dexter.
(c) Lady Mac.
(d) Joshua.

5. Who plans to bring eternal night to Nyvan by blowing up an asteroid?
(a) Jason.
(b) Leif.
(c) Quinn.
(d) Joshua.

6. Who is the Garissan victim that was a student of Mzu that is at the hotel of Mzu, Lodi, Voi and Eriba?
(a) Dominx.
(b) Gendibal.
(c) Gelai.
(d) Tonala.

7. Daphine Kigano is the alias of ______.
(a) Mzu.
(b) Garissa.
(c) Gelai.
(d) Peter.

8. As Baranovich prepares to attack Mzu in the foundry, who comes to her rescue?
(a) Lodi.
(b) Mark.
(c) Liam.
(d) Gelai.

9. What is High York?
(a) An asteroid.
(b) A planet.
(c) A ship.
(d) A voidhawk.

10. What is Richard Keaton's profession?
(a) He is a security expert.
(b) He is a project manager.
(c) He is a writer.
(d) He is a teacher.

11. To what celestial entity is Rubra's power compared?
(a) The planet Mars.
(b) The Earth.
(c) The Moon.
(d) The Sun.

12. Why does Jacqueline kill the other prisoners held by the Confederation army before the marines arrive?
(a) To safeguard information.
(b) To gain control.
(c) Out of cruelty.
(d) Out of madness.

13. Who is reluctant at first to help Mzu in her ambush plans at Toi-Hoi?
(a) Geila.
(b) Ione.
(c) Capone.
(d) Oenone.

14. What drive of Lady Mac is used to accelerate out of danger at forty-two gees?
(a) Liquid fuel.
(b) Strong detergent.
(c) Fiery balls.
(d) Antimatter.

15. How does Rubra kill the possessed?
(a) By stabbing.
(b) By poison.
(c) By bullets.
(d) By electrocution.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose ship makes contact with the Mindor, a blackhawk turned hellhawk possessed by Rocio Condra?

2. What are the Urschel and the Raimo ships part of?

3. What does Quinn throw at Twelve-T, burning his hands to expose the power cables in his wrists?

4. What does the Kiint on Tranquillity that comes to visit Kelly want from her?

5. To whom does Syrinx takes the information that Erick gave her?

(see the answer keys)

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