The Most Dangerous Game Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Most Dangerous Game Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Rainsford insists on leaving the island, what is Zaroff's response?
(a) He stalls for time by pretending to send Ivan for a boat to take Rainsford off the island.
(b) He decides to send Rainsford down to the cellar.
(c) He decides that he will hunt Rainsford that evening.
(d) He pulls out his gun and tells Rainsford that he does not have a choice about staying on the island.

2. What spot on the island does Zaroff warn Rainsford to stay away from?
(a) The swamp.
(b) The caves.
(c) The river.
(d) The cliffs.

3. What is the result of Rainsford's final trap?
(a) The general's servant is killed.
(b) The general's favorite dog is killed.
(c) Rainsford loses his knife without accomplishing anything.
(d) The general is stabbed in the shoulder.

4. What animal does Rainsford compare himself to when he climbs the tree?
(a) A monkey.
(b) A bear.
(c) A snake.
(d) A cat.

5. What does Zaroff believe fighting in the war should have taught Rainsford?
(a) To keep a level head when he is in danger.
(b) That human life is not inherently valuable.
(c) That nothing in life is fair.
(d) How to hunt for human beings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What supplies does Zaroff offer the men he hunts?

2. Into what two groups does Zaroff divide up the world?

3. What is the result of Rainsford's pit trap?

4. Before Zaroff hunts people, what does he usually do with them?

5. What is it implied that Zaroff keeps in his library?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe General Zaroff's actions when Rainsford is hiding in the tree.

2. What disagreement do Zaroff and Rainsford have about the difference between "hunting" and "murder"?

3. What does Zaroff want to show Rainsford in the cellar and in the library, and what does this tell the reader about him?

4. How does Zaroff characterize Rainsford's views on hunting human beings?

5. How does Rainsford finally escape Zaroff, and why is Zaroff foolish to assume that Rainsford is dead?

6. During Rainsford's attempt to escape Zaroff, there are many references to animals. How are they used and what is their significance?

7. How does Zaroff obtain his victims?

8. What allusion is contained in the sentence "I have played the fox, now I must play the cat of the fable," and what is the meaning of the allusion (50)?

9. What does General Zaroff's definition of "civilized" seem to be?

10. What part of the island does Zaroff tell Rainsford to avoid, and what are at least two likely motives for his warning?

(see the answer keys)

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