The Master Puppeteer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Puppeteer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes to take Jiro to Okada?
(a) No one.
(b) Kinshi.
(c) Tozo.
(d) Wada.

2. What does Okada ask Jiro?
(a) If Jiro is tempted to turn in Yoshida.
(b) If Jiro believes in what Kinshi is doing.
(c) If Jiro would lay his life on the line for Kinshi.
(d) If Jiro believes in what Saburo is doing.

3. Who is Hanji disguised as?
(a) A fireman.
(b) A policeman.
(c) A merchant.
(d) No one.

4. What are the wealthy in the town saying?
(a) They will not trust the police again.
(b) The poor need to work harder.
(c) The police are incompetent.
(d) The poor do not deserve to eat.

5. Where does Kinshi say it is forbidden to go?
(a) In the stable's loft.
(b) In the cellar.
(c) In the attic.
(d) In the upstairs storehouse.

6. What does the girl who is being courted by a high-born suitor do?
(a) Puts dye on his shoes.
(b) Says she will die if he does not say where he lives.
(c) Sticks a needle into his clothes.
(d) Looks through his pockets.

7. What does Mochida say when he grabs Jiro?
(a) He is needed to play Kenshi's role.
(b) His father is outside in the courtyard.
(c) Yoshida wants to speak to him.
(d) Kenshi needs him at the river.

8. What does Yoshida eventually decide to do?
(a) Put on a play called The Battle of Dannoura.
(b) Defy the authorities.
(c) Appeal to the Emperor.
(d) Appeal to the Shogun.

9. What does Jiro worry about concerning his mother?
(a) How to help her once she gives birth to her baby.
(b) How to find her a new husband.
(c) Her safety alone in the house.
(d) How to help her.

10. What have some people started doing at night?
(a) Helping Saburo's gang.
(b) Gathering in secret groups.
(c) Wandering the streets and throwing stones at wealthy men's homes.
(d) Setting fire to weathly men's homes.

11. What is going to be the entrance fee for a special showing of "The Thief of the Tokaido"?
(a) Two for one.
(b) Same as always.
(c) Half price.
(d) Free.

12. What does Jiro ask Kinshi after the performance?
(a) If Kinshi is ill.
(b) Not to go out again that night.
(c) To go with Jiro to see Jiro's mother.
(d) To see if Yoshida will excuse Kenshi from the play.

13. What awakens Jiro in the middle of the night?
(a) The sounds of a angry mob.
(b) Someone sobbing.
(c) A dark barking.
(d) Kinshi moving about.

14. Why does Jiro know he cannot turn in Yashida?
(a) It would harm his parents.
(b) It would be a betrayal.
(c) It would leave him without a job.
(d) It would be the end of food for the poor.

15. Who is at the door one night when Jiro and Kinshi hear a banging sound?
(a) No one.
(b) Yoshida.
(c) Hanji.
(d) Ikairu.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jiro say to Mochida's question?

2. What does Mochida ask Jiro the next morning?

3. What does Jiro say when he asks to speak to Okada?

4. What does Jiro agree to do after the last performance of the day?

5. Why won't Kinshi allow Jiro to come with him at night?

(see the answer keys)

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