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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Ulrich notice about his own behavior in Chapter 103?
(a) There have been inconsistencies in his behavior throughout his life, and that probably won't change.
(b) His behavior used to be inconsistent, but he has been working on that, and getting better.
(c) He can be very manipulative when he wants to be and has no intention of changing that.
(d) He is unable to conform to societal standards that he doesn't think are justified.
2. How does Ulrich respond to Arnheim's offer in Chapter 121?
(a) He declines because it is not really in his best interests.
(b) He accepts, but only because he feels obligated to.
(c) He declines because he is suspicious of Arnheim's motives.
(d) He accepts and is excited and grateful to Arnheim.
3. What is one of the main reasons Walter doesn't trust Ulrich?
(a) Ulrich stole money from Walter.
(b) Ulrich has had affairs with married women.
(c) Ulrich has expressed an attraction toward Clarisse.
(d) Ulrich once stole Walter's girlfriend.
4. For whom does Soliman work?
(a) Ulrich.
(b) Arnheim.
(c) General Stumm.
(d) The Tuzzis.
5. What two things does the General compare when talking to Ulrich in Chapter 100?
(a) Warfare and politics.
(b) Warfare and libraries.
(c) Schools and libraries.
(d) Politics and school.
6. Who initiated the affair between Ulrich and Bonadea?
(a) It is never stated.
(b) Bonadea.
(c) No one; it was a mutual decision.
(d) Ulrich.
7. According to Chapter 113, what is the position of the child and servant?
(a) Both are legally considered property but are typically treated as family.
(b) One is property, while the other is family.
(c) There is no legal definition of the child's position as there is for the servant's.
(d) They are seen as property.
8. Who are the Kakanians?
(a) Refugees who fled to Austria during World War I.
(b) Austrians who emigrated to the countries surrounding Austria.
(c) The author never expressly defines the term.
(d) People from a mountainous range north of Austria.
9. Why isn't Ulrich surprised by the relationship that Arnheim and Diotima have?
(a) Diotima had a propensity for becoming infatuated with men she couldn't have.
(b) Arnheim had all the same qualities that caused Diotima to fall in love with her husband.
(c) Arnheim had told Ulrich about his plan to woo Diotima.
(d) He never understood why her husband tolerated Arnheim's attentions toward her.
10. How does Bonadea feel about her husband?
(a) Her feelings about him are never explicitly stated.
(b) She never loved him.
(c) She used to love him, but doesn't anymore.
(d) She didn't love him when they got married but now feels affectionate toward him.
11. The people wish that there were a living generation to experience what, according to Chapter 108?
(a) A world without war.
(b) A society where there was no one extremely poor or extremely rich.
(c) A classless society.
(d) The presence of the Messiah.
12. Of what offense does Diotima accuse Ulrich in Chapter 101?
(a) Trying to pry into her personal affairs.
(b) Trying to manipulate her.
(c) Trying to steal one of her best friends.
(d) Trying to undermine Arnheim.
13. Who ended Ulrich and Bonadea's affair?
(a) Bonadea's husband.
(b) Ulrich's wife.
(c) Ulrich.
(d) Bonadea.
14. What is the result of the position of the child and servant, according to the author in Chapter 113?
(a) Both are able to better their positions, but only with difficulty.
(b) They are prone to abuse.
(c) They are usually the loser in court cases.
(d) They are treated in a similar fashion.
15. Why do Rachel and Soliman find it difficult to be together in Chapter 117?
(a) Their master and mistress, whether intentionally or not, keep interfering with their plans.
(b) There is no place for them to rendezvous without being caught.
(c) They are not allowed to leave their respective homes.
(d) They both have too much work to do, and can't find time to be alone.
Short Answer Questions
1. What author does General Stumm recommend to Ulrich in Chapter 100?
2. Ulrich notices in Chapter 122 that Arnheim refers to Goethe in what way?
3. What is the ultimate result of Ulrich and Gerda's interactions in Chapter 119?
4. How does General Stumm's relationship with Ulrich develop?
5. What role, formerly belonging to Arnheim, is usurped by Hans Sepp in Chapter 113?
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