The Lunatic Cafe Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lunatic Cafe Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Early in the novel, at which theater do Anita and Richard meet?
(a) The Hound.
(b) The Swan.
(c) The Fox.
(d) The Wolf.

2. During Anita's meeting with Marcus and other shapeshifters, what statement from Marcus angers Anita?
(a) Marcus states that Richard must be killed.
(b) Marcus states that Anita is a traitor to the pack.
(c) Marcus states that werewolves are superior to vampires.
(d) Marcus states that he speaks for Anita.

3. When a death might involve some sort of preternatural creature, what is standard operation procedure?
(a) Police officers are advised to carry garlic and call for backup.
(b) Police officers are advised to call the Regional Preternatural Investigation Team.
(c) Police officers are advised to call the National Unnatural Investigation Force.
(d) Police officers are advised to conceal the event from the public.

4. What sort of preternatural creature is Irving?
(a) Vampire.
(b) Werepanther.
(c) Wererat.
(d) Werewolf.

5. In the movie Edward shows to Anita, what is unusual about the second man seen?
(a) He is deceased.
(b) He has a limp.
(c) He changes into a wolf.
(d) He changes into a panther.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Richard, how did Raina convince Marcus to sanction pornography between humans and shapeshifters?

2. How does Anita respond to Richard's important question?

3. At the beginning of "The Lunatic Cafe," why does Anita ignore the temptation to date the character who wishes to win her heart?

4. What sort of preternatural creature is Richard?

5. From the Lunatic Cafe, Anita and Irving are led to the end of a hallway and see what two men standing on a platform?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Marcus state that he is just as responsible for Alfred's death as Anita, after Anita shoots Alfred?

2. What does Gretchen attempt to do to the minds of a police officer and Anita near The Fox?

3. Why does Anita leave Richard and Jean-Claude at the theater without saying goodbye?

4. What theory does Titus propose regarding the body at the crime scene?

5. During their meeting at Washington University, what request and/or advice does Louie give to Anita regarding Richard?

6. Describe Anita's boyfriend, Richard.

7. Describe Louie, who Anita meets at Washington University the morning after viewing Edward's video.

8. Where does Anita work, and what sort of work does she do?

9. What weapon does Alfred find when he searches Anita in a room near the Lunatic Cafe, and what weapon does he fail to find?

10. During the meeting between Marcus, Anita, and the pack, what statement first sparks an argument?

(see the answer keys)

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