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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who is Ruth Connors?
2. Who is Lindsey?
3. Why is Ruth's mother pleased to find her daughter smoking in the shed?
4. When Buckley walks in on his mother in the bathroom, what is she eating?
5. What is Mr. Harvey's relationship status?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Jack's breaking of the ships in the bottle symbolize?
2. What does the reader learn about Susie from how easily she goes into Mr. Harvey's secret room?
3. Why do Ray and Ruth decide Susie must be happier after her murder?
4. What treats do Susie and Holly find in their heavens?
5. How do Buckley's family members respond when he mentions that he sees Susie all the time after her death?
6. When Lindsey and Ruth are up late talking about Susie at the symposium, what does Ruth say her bad dreams are about?
7. Why does Jack become suspicious of Mr. Harvey's involvement in Susie's death?
8. Why is the first picture Susie takes of her mother so memorable to Susie?
9. When Lindsey and Ruth are up late talking about Susie at the symposium, what does Lindsey say her bad dreams are about?
10. When Buckley keeps asking where his sister is immediately after her murder, why do his parents suggest going to the zoo?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In Chapter 12, Franny reminds Susie that her family can only move on when Susie lets them go. Discuss when exactly, if at all, this happens in The Lovely Bones, making sure to use specific examples from the text to support your argument.
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the unique role that Franny plays in the text. What are the benefits of having her within the novel? What are the challenges?
Essay Topic 3
Throughout The Lovely Bones, there are several situations where characters come to a realization about something, but not an acceptance about it. In a well-structured essay, discuss 1) the difference between realizing something and accepting it, 2) at least two situations/characters where this discrepancy is obvious, and 3) when, if ever, these characters come to accept something that they had earlier only realized.
This section contains 714 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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