The Loved One Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Loved One Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is something that bothers Aimée about Dennis?
(a) He has bad breath.
(b) He can be unethical.
(c) He is too tall.
(d) He has a bad temper.

2. What does Dennis realize about Mr. Joyboy's ramblings?
(a) Mr. Joyboy intends to tell the police Dennis killed Aimée.
(b) Mr. Joyboy is not totally sane.
(c) Mr. Joyboy wants aid in disposing of Aimée's body.
(d) Mr. Joyboy probably killed Aimée in a fit of rage.

3. Of what does Dennis remind Aimée?
(a) That she is an honorable woman.
(b) Nothing.
(c) That she promised to marry him.
(d) That she once loved him.

4. Why does Mr. Slump drink whiskey?
(a) He likes the taste.
(b) He is unhappy.
(c) To stop his cough.
(d) To forget his miserable life.

5. Why does Dennis recite a poem?
(a) He does not recite a poem.
(b) To show Aimée's spirit that he can write his own poetry.
(c) To make Mr. Joyboy feel better.
(d) To commemorate Aimée's cremation.

6. What does Dennis plagiarize?
(a) Poetry.
(b) Quotes.
(c) Essays.
(d) Photographs.

7. What does Aimée tell Mr. Joyboy about what she wrote her note on?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Her fiancee wrote the poem.
(c) It was all she had in her office.
(d) She thought he'd appreciate the humor of using mortuary paper.

8. What does Sir Ambrose urge Dennis to do?
(a) Kill himself.
(b) Find a new girlfriend.
(c) Get a new job.
(d) Go back to England.

9. Why are the other cosmeticians jealous of Aimée?
(a) Mr. Kenworthy has promoted her.
(b) Mr. Joyboy has promoted her.
(c) Dennis has been paying a lot of attention to her.
(d) Her bodies have better smiles than theirs.

10. To what does Aimée owe the shaping of her brain and body?
(a) A mishap when she is a toddler.
(b) A mild birth defect.
(c) Being raised in a strict Catholic home.
(d) Being raised in southern California.

11. What makes Aimée cry?
(a) The latest poem from Dennis.
(b) A story in a magazine about a dog.
(c) A picture she sees in the newspaper.
(d) A story in a magazine about a cat.

12. What poem is used at the Heart of the Bruce?
(a) One written by Wordsworth.
(b) One written by Frost.
(c) One written by Browning.
(d) One written by Robert Burns.

13. What does Aimée ask a columnist?
(a) If her horoscope means she will die young.
(b) If she might be in love with Dennis.
(c) If her horoscope means she will never marry.
(d) If she might be in love with Mr. Joyboy.

14. What has Aimée decided to do?
(a) Look for someone besides her present two suitors.
(b) Marry Mr. Joyboy.
(c) Join a convent.
(d) Marry Dennis anyway.

15. What does Dennis continue to send Aimée?
(a) Poems.
(b) Flowers.
(c) Cards.
(d) Information about England.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sir Ambrose say will damage the credibility of Englishmen in Hollywood?

2. What does Aimée tell Dennis that does not bother him?

3. Where does Aimée take Dennis a few days after her dinner date with Mr. Joyboy?

4. To where does Dennis follow Aimée?

5. How has Aimée's "friend" at work become?

(see the answer keys)

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