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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. When David is 17, he becomes bored with school. He knows he will be leaving the foster care system soon and has a more important interest. What interest is more important to him than school?
(a) His motorbike.
(b) None, he loves school.
(c) Working to earn money.
(d) Girls.
2. Who do Carlos and David bump into while at an elementary school near their middle school?
(a) John, David's brother.
(b) Russell, David's brother.
(c) Kevin, David's brother.
(d) Rick, David's brother.
3. David is sent to live with Harold and Alice Turnbough. What aren't The Turnboughs licensed for?
(a) They are not licensed to take boys.
(b) They are not licensed to drive.
(c) They are not licensed to have foster children,
(d) They are not licensed to take girls.
4. What do David and his brother agree to do the following day?
(a) They agree to run away.
(b) They agree to never speak again.
(c) They agree to meet again.
(d) They agree to become friends.
5. How did David really feel about the plan he was bragging about to his classmates?
(a) He thought it would never happen.
(b) He thought it would be an adventure.
(c) He thought it would be fun.
(d) He thought it would be boring.
6. From whose arms did Gordan have to physically remove David when it was time to leave?
(a) Connie's.
(b) Rudy's.
(c) Big Larry's.
(d) Lilian's.
7. What did Johnny Jones dare David to do?
(a) Steal a magazine from the book store.
(b) Steal an airplane from Walgreen's.
(c) Steal a pen from their teacher.
(d) Steal a beer from the grocery store.
8. What wing in the Hill was David eventually moved to?
(a) The A-Wing.
(b) The F-Wing.
(c) The C-Wing.
(d) The D-Wing.
9. What special task do the Turnboughs do for David?
(a) The Turnboughs throw him a party.
(b) The Turnboughs have their license changed to allow boys.
(c) The Turnboughs buy him a car.
(d) The Turnboughs buy him a new bike.
10. How does David feel when he's moved to the new wing at the Hill?
(a) He feels sad.
(b) He feels threaten.
(c) He feels safe.
(d) He feels afraid.
11. What plan does John concoct that David eagerly goes along with and brags about to his classmates?
(a) To run away together.
(b) To play a prank on a classmate.
(c) To beat up a teacher.
(d) To burn down Mr. Smith's classroom.
12. What did David's new psychiatrist feel David would benefit from reading?
(a) Psychology books.
(b) Animal books.
(c) Medical books.
(d) Education books.
13. Who is Uncle Lee?
(a) David's father's brother.
(b) A Pelzer family friend.
(c) David's mother's brother.
(d) David's former foster parent.
14. What realization did David have after meeting with his father in the "Break Away" chapter?
(a) That he would see his father the next day.
(b) That he didn't love his father.
(c) That he would move in with his father when he turned 18.
(d) That he would never see his father again.
15. Who drove David to the Hill?
(a) Ms. Gold.
(b) Rudy.
(c) Lilian.
(d) Mother.
Short Answer Questions
1. What happens after David completes his Johnny Jones task?
2. What did Lilian bring with her on her visit to the Hill?
3. What happened to David when he called a girl a 'horror'?
4. Summer is over and David returns to school. Who 'befriends' David?
5. When David is moved to his next foster home, Joanne and Michael Nulls, how does Joanne treat David?
This section contains 618 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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