The Lock Artist: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steve Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lock Artist: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steve Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mike get to his apartment after escaping the guards at the diamond house?
(a) He hitch hikes.
(b) He runs.
(c) He takes a cab.
(d) He rides the train.

2. What is Lito's job?
(a) He owns a liquor store.
(b) He deals drugs.
(c) He is a bus driver.
(d) He owns a pawn shop.

3. How does Griffin King respond to Mike's muteness?
(a) He sees it as a challenge.
(b) He is jealous.
(c) It angers him.
(d) He thinks it is cool.

4. What is the problem with the diamond heist?
(a) The rocks are fake.
(b) A silent alarm went off.
(c) There were camera on the premises.
(d) They left prints.

5. How does Mike escape after Bigmouth is shot?
(a) He slides out the window.
(b) He picks his handcuffs.
(c) He kicks open the door.
(d) He shoots the guard.

6. How many people live in Julian's house?
(a) 4.
(b) 6.
(c) 5.
(d) 3.

7. What is the first thing Mike drew in school?
(a) A bridge.
(b) A flower.
(c) A grave.
(d) A house.

8. Where does Mike hide the portrait of Amelia?
(a) The woods.
(b) Her room.
(c) The pool.
(d) Her portfolio.

9. What does Mike bring to communicate with Amelia?
(a) A lap top.
(b) A stick to draw.
(c) A comic book.
(d) Paper and a pencil.

10. What is Mike's first experience with combination locks?
(a) His home padlock.
(b) His uncle's safe.
(c) His school locker.
(d) His bike lock.

11. What does Amelia's boyfriend chide her for?
(a) Drawing too much.
(b) Helping Mike.
(c) Talking to Mike.
(d) Reading too much.

12. Why doesn't Mike talk to his lawyer the first time he is arrested?
(a) He is worried about getting someone in trouble.
(b) He is afraid.
(c) He is a mute.
(d) Lito tells him not to.

13. Who gave Mike the pagers?
(a) The Dangerous Man.
(b) The Blue Crew.
(c) Uncle Lito.
(d) The Ghost.

14. Where do the men explain the problem with the diamond heist?
(a) The basement.
(b) The alley.
(c) The diner.
(d) The van.

15. What is the name of the second security guard at the diamond house?
(a) Rob.
(b) Ron.
(c) Ryan.
(d) Rick.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the group in CA called?

2. Where is the real safe found on the second try of the diamond heist?

3. How long is Mike taught at the Higgins Institute?

4. What is Brian's father's job?

5. Why does Ramona go shopping in Beverly Hills?

(see the answer keys)

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