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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. At the beginning of Chapter 26, what lock are Perdu, Max, and Cuneo approaching?
(a) La Grange.
(b) Bois-le-roi.
(c) Suresnes.
(d) Evry.
2. In Chapter 36 as Perdu drives, what song does he hear on the radio?
(a) Monday Morning.
(b) Albatross.
(c) Man of the World.
(d) Rhiannon.
3. In Chapter 27, what does Zelda tell Perdu they call the cancer that Elaia has?
(a) Beast.
(b) Wolf.
(c) Lupo.
(d) Dog.
4. What animal do Max, Perdu, and Cuneo attempt to rescue in Chapter 26?
(a) Deer.
(b) Moose.
(c) Dog.
(d) Cat.
5. In Chapter 35, what does Perdu say was the name of Manon's cat?
(a) Stripes.
(b) Miaow.
(c) Spats.
(d) Smokey.
Short Answer Questions
1. In what direction do the men go at the beginning of Chapter 27?
2. In Chapter 27, what is a woman wearing who sits under a copper beech painting?
3. In Chapter 22, how long has Cuneo been looking for a young river pilot he met?
4. In Chapter 31, how long does Samantha say that Max should wait to write his second book?
5. At the end of Chapter 33, what is the date of Manon's Travel Diary?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Olson say about being on Facebook in Chapter 23?
2. How does Perdu describe Cuisery in Chapter 30?
3. In Chapter 26, how do Perdu, Max, and Cuneo try to help a drowning deer?
4. What does Perdu tell Cuneo that Max has lost in Chapter 26?
5. In Chapter 22, what is the woman like that Perdu suggests Max dance with?
6. In Manon's travel diary at the end of Chapter 21, what did Manon say about Luc and Perdu?
7. Why does Cuneo have to leave Zelda and Javier's home before dinner?
8. Why did Samy write Southern Lights?
9. In Chapter 29, how do Cuneo, Perdu, and Max describe their parents?
10. What does Samy have with her when Cuneo picks her up in Chapter 31?
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