The Line Becomes a River Test | Final Test - Medium

Francisco Cantú
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Line Becomes a River Test | Final Test - Medium

Francisco Cantú
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Cantu's mother take him when they travel to Mexico together for the first time?
(a) Casas Grandes in Chihuahua.
(b) Mexico City.
(c) Tijuana.
(d) Juarez.

2. On page 159, what does Cantu dream that he does in the desert?
(a) Shoots and kills a man and a boy.
(b) Feeds a wolf.
(c) Saves a group of migrants.
(d) Sees a shooting star.

3. What is Cantu's birth name?
(a) Jonathan Cantu.
(b) Roberto Cantu.
(c) Joshua Tyler Cantu-Simmons.
(d) Frances Cantu-Simmons.

4. On page 111, what kind of bird does Cantu see on one of his monitor cameras?
(a) A prairie falcon.
(b) A bald eagle.
(c) A blue heron.
(d) A red-tailed hawk.

5. Which of the following cities suffered damage during the Mexican Revolution?
(a) El Paso.
(b) Juarez.
(c) Oaxaca.
(d) Mexico City.

Short Answer Questions

1. For about how long does Cantu see Jose every day as they work in close proximity?

2. Why does Cantu's relative say his house is littered with boxes on page 125?

3. What happens to Jose's middle son that Jose tells Cantu he is worried about on page 168?

4. Who does Cantu stay behind in New Mexico to visit on page 125?

5. Which city did Cantu's grandfather come from?

Short Essay Questions

1. On page 135, what does Cantu say became the hallmark of Ciudad Juarez sometime around the mid-1990s?

2. What does Beto tell Cantu about his background and his aspirations for his career with Border Patrol?

3. What does Hayward tell Cantu's new colleagues in Tucson, Beto and Manuel, about Cantu's skills?

4. What are the three categories of metaphors that sociologist Jane Zavisca identified in media coverage of migrant deaths?

5. What does Beto tell Cantu he thinks is a harbinger of death in his family on page 120?

6. Why is Lupe, Jose's wife, not able to visit the detention center where he is being held awaiting a final decision on his case?

7. What does the woman whose feet Cantu bandages tell him about himself pn page 154?

8. What does the U.S. Marshal from the courtroom give to one of Jose's sons that surprises Jose's defense attorney?

9. What was Cantu's original birth name, and why did Cantu's mother change his name?

10. What Greek story does Cantu mention and compare to some of the tragedies he sees playing out in the desert through his job?

(see the answer keys)

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