The Letters of Abelard and Heloise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Letters of Abelard and Heloise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Heloise say about her burden?
(a) She says the burden is a joy to bear.
(b) She says the only way to bear the burden is together with him.
(c) She says burdens can be too heavy.
(d) She says that the burden is more than she can bear.

2. What does Peter the Venerable say Abelard's last days with him were devoted to?
(a) Writing.
(b) Praying.
(c) Service.
(d) God.

3. Why did Peter the Venerable send Abelard away?
(a) To instruct monks.
(b) To have an operation.
(c) To find a safe refuge.
(d) To recuperate.

4. What does Peter the Venerable say about Abelard?
(a) He praises his temperament.
(b) He praises his writing.
(c) He praises his work.
(d) He praises his intellect.

5. For what does Abelard ask Heloise at the end of Letter 7?
(a) Forgiveness.
(b) Details of her life in the convent.
(c) A sketch of the rule she requested from him.
(d) Her prayers.

6. What does Abelard say life becomes in poverty?
(a) A resource.
(b) A common store.
(c) A firm law.
(d) A community.

7. What does Abelard say was honored by St. Paul and St. Jerome?
(a) Widowhood.
(b) Prostitution.
(c) Virginity
(d) Motherhood

8. Who does Abelard cite as an example of someone devout in the church?
(a) Ruth.
(b) Mary Magdalene.
(c) Judith.
(d) Mary, mother of Christ.

9. What did the woman do, whom Abelard cited in Letter 7?
(a) Prepared for the Last Supper.
(b) Took Christ down from the cross.
(c) Discovered Christ's empty tomb.
(d) Anointed Christ with oil.

10. In Letter 6, what does Heloise ask Abelard to do for her?
(a) Free her from the convent.
(b) Lay out acts of devotion for her to perform.
(c) Proscribe rules for her convent.
(d) Write down the history of her misfortunes.

11. What does Peter the Venerable say he admires?
(a) Heloise's piety.
(b) Heloise's background.
(c) Heloise's contrition.
(d) Heloise's writings.

12. Why aren't outward manifestations reliable in indicating devotion, according to Heloise?
(a) People can learn them from each other.
(b) They can be feigned.
(c) They vary from person to person.
(d) They are not reliable.

13. What provision does Heloise ask Abelard to include in what he makes for her?
(a) Special standards for the more devout nuns.
(b) Rewards for nuns who are the most devout.
(c) Exceptions for the old, young, and weak.
(d) Exclusions for nuns who do not follow the rules.

14. Where did Abelard go after the exchange he had with the sender of Letter 9?
(a) Continue his travels.
(b) Return to his monastery.
(c) To see Heloise.
(d) Retreat to Cluny.

15. What is it that ultimately pleases God, according to Heloise?
(a) Acts.
(b) Prayer.
(c) Devotion.
(d) Virtue.

Short Answer Questions

1. What news about Abelard does the sender of Letter 9 relate?

2. Where does God look for virtue, according to Heloise?

3. What does Abelard say in Letter 7 about the virtue of women?

4. Who sent Letter 9?

5. How did the practice of nunnery change in the early church?

(see the answer keys)

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