The Leopard Hunts in Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leopard Hunts in Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What important landmark do Craig and Sally-Anne miss as they walk in a dehydrated state through the desert?
(a) The Botswana patrolled road.
(b) The road back to King's Lynn.
(c) The road to the US Embassy.
(d) The road to the Wildlife Federation.

2. What do Sally-Anne and Craig find out about Henry Pickering?
(a) He was in on the betrayal with Peter.
(b) He works for the CIA.
(c) He is working for the Russian government.
(d) He has been using a false name.

3. What is the first thing Craig, Sarah and Sally-Anne do when the Cessna arrives?
(a) Send Sally-Anne's photos to the US Embassy.
(b) Strip the plane of non-essentials.
(c) Load the plane with supplies.
(d) Review the flight map.

4. How does Vusamanzi die?
(a) A poisonous snake bites him.
(b) He is tortured to death by Peter.
(c) An elephant tramples him.
(d) He is shot by Peter.

5. How does Vusamanzi know the location of King Lobengula's remains?
(a) Vusamanzi searched most of his life until he found the remains.
(b) Vusamanzi himself moved the remains.
(c) Vusamanzi's father moved the remains.
(d) The location of the remains has been passed down in the form of a story.

6. How is Captain Nbebi injured?
(a) He is injured when the vehicle crashes.
(b) He is shot by the patrols chasing the vehicle.
(c) He is injured by shards of glass when the windshield is blown out.
(d) He tumbles out of the vehicle when they hit a bump in the road.

7. Where are King Lobengula's remains and the diamonds hidden?
(a) Underneath a great Marula tree near the Botswana border.
(b) On the property of King's Lynn.
(c) Inside the highest hill in Zimbabwe.
(d) Forty feet below the surface of a cave lake.

8. Craig decides the only way he can fight Peter's soldiers that are pursuing him into the desert is...
(a) By driving away.
(b) By running away.
(c) By fighting hand to hand.
(d) By joining them.

9. After defeating all of Peter's soldiers in the desert and fleeing on foot, how are Craig and Sally-Anne spotted once again?
(a) By Captain Nbebi's son.
(b) By a villager who recognizes them.
(c) By another convoy of soldiers.
(d) By air patrols.

10. Who navigates the road as Craig, Sally-Anne and Captain Nbebi flee Peter' soldiers?
(a) Captain Nbebi.
(b) Sally-Anne.
(c) They use a map.
(d) Craig.

11. Why do Craig and Sarah have a hard time getting the help they need from some of the Matabele in order to rescue Tungata?
(a) They don't believe Tungata is still alive.
(b) They are afraid of Peter.
(c) They are only out for their own survival.
(d) They have been told lies about Craig.

12. Why isn't Craig successful in entering Lobengula's tomb?
(a) He doesn't want the others to know its location.
(b) Vusamanzi prohibits him because he is not part of the prophecy.
(c) He needs more time.
(d) It has been sealed shut.

13. Where does Bukharin take Peter?
(a) Big game hunting.
(b) On an all expense paid trip to England.
(c) On his private jet.
(d) To Botswana.

14. After they rescue Tungata from prison, where do Craig and the group hide until Peter's soldiers are done looking for them?
(a) In caverns shown to them by Vusamanzi.
(b) The property behind King's Lynn that was poached.
(c) At a mission station.
(d) In Vusamanzi's house.

15. After Craig and Sally-Anne defeat all of Peter's soldiers and continue on foot, what do they forget to take with them?
(a) The map.
(b) Guns.
(c) Their backpack.
(d) Water.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Captain Nbebi is killed, how does Sally-Anne help in Craig's fight against Peter's soldier?

2. What does Peter do to the poisonous snake to make it angry enough to bite Tungata's face?

3. What does Craig find in Nikolai's briefcase?

4. Who has frozen all Craig's assets and bank accounts and put a hold on all the royalties from his future book?

5. When Craig, Sally-Anne, Tungata and Sarah feel the ground tremble, what do they know has happened?

(see the answer keys)

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