The Joys of Motherhood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Joys of Motherhood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what way does Nnaife view his being forced into the army as a positive?
(a) He thinks he will get in better physical shape.
(b) He thinks it will be nice to have some time away from his wives.
(c) He think it is his chance to learn English.
(d) He thinks it is his chance to better provide for his and his brother's family.

2. Who does Nnaife want Kehinde to marry though she refuses?
(a) A teacher.
(b) A dock worker.
(c) A university student.
(d) A railway worker.

3. What does Adaku do with the money Nnaife sends before he heads to India?
(a) She opens a stall in Zabo market.
(b) She sends her daughter to school.
(c) She buys fancy new clothing.
(d) She buys a new hut.

4. Which of Nnu Ego's children inform her that she has received a letter in Chapter 15?
(a) Kehinde.
(b) Taiwo.
(c) Oshia.
(d) Adim.

5. What news does Oshia receive while at the Technical Institute, which he is afraid to share with his family?
(a) He has been fired.
(b) Adim is failing school.
(c) His girlfriend is pregnant.
(d) He has been offered a scholarship to school in the U.S.

6. What does Nnu Ego believe will happen once Oshia completes school?
(a) He will move them all to America.
(b) Nnaife can stop working.
(c) He will buy them a bigger home.
(d) He will help pay for Adim's education.

7. What does Nnaife say he is going to do the next day following his fight with Oshia?
(a) Stop paying Adim's tuition so he does not end up like Oshia.
(b) Quit work and return to Ibuza.
(c) Stop Oshia from flying to the United States.
(d) Find a new wife who will bring him a good son.

8. Where does Nnaife move his family when prices in Lagos become too high?
(a) Kano.
(b) Ibuza.
(c) Onike.
(d) Yaba.

9. What does Adaku tell Nnu Ego she is going to do to make money after she moves out?
(a) Become a servant.
(b) Sell cigarettes.
(c) Become a prostitute.
(d) Sell firewood.

10. What does Nnaife say to Oshia as they argue about the fact that Oshia does not help the family financially?
(a) Nnaife tells Oshia he should have sent Adim to school instead.
(b) Nnaife tells Oshia he is killing his family by not supporting them.
(c) Nnaife forbids Oshia from going to the U.S. for school.
(d) Nnaife tells Oshia he wished he had died instead of Ngozi.

11. What does Oshia tell Nnu Ego about Adaku which worries her enough to take him to a medicine man?
(a) He has heard Adaku planning to run away with Dumbi.
(b) He believes Adaku is trying to convince Nnaife to divorce Nnu Ego.
(c) He has dreams of Adaku pushing him into a ditch.
(d) He thinks Adaku has been poisoning their food.

12. Whose son does Kehinde tell her father she wants to marry?
(a) A soldier's son.
(b) Ubani's son.
(c) Nwakusor's son.
(d) The butcher's son.

13. What is Nnu Egos initial concern after Ubani and Nwakusor share their bad news with Nnaife?
(a) She does not know how they will support the wives Nnaife will inherit.
(b) She does not know how they will pay for a trip to Ibuza.
(c) She does not know how Oshia will take the news.
(d) She does not know how they will pay for a funeral.

14. What is one of the first things that happens to Nnaife the day he is taken and brought to an open field at the start of Chapter 12?
(a) He is given a medical exam.
(b) He is arrested.
(c) He is robbed.
(d) He is beaten.

15. What are the contents of the package Nnu Ego picks up at the barracks in Chapter 15?
(a) Nnaife's uniform.
(b) Nnaife's remains.
(c) Letters and money from Nnaife.
(d) A letter informing Nnu Ego that Nnaife is missing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are some things Nnu Ego's family no longer has after leaving Lagos?

2. How does Nnu Ego feel when she sees her dead child?

3. What does Adaku suggest she and Nnu Ego do to retaliate against Nnaife for not giving them enough housekeeping money?

4. In what ways does Adankwu say Nnu Ego is offending her father by staying in Ibuza?

5. While celebrating Oshia's accomplishment in Chapter 17, who says that soon Nigerians will rule themselves?

(see the answer keys)

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