The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the last year of the war, what are Equiano and Pascal doing?
(a) They are stuck on the Isle of Wight until the end of the war.
(b) Pascal is cleaning the decks because he has been demoted and Equiano helps him.
(c) They are on Montserrat.
(d) They are on a ship that is blockading the French for most of the year.

2. What is different about the second slave ship?
(a) The slaves have to stay below deck.
(b) The captain is mostly interested in hunting whales.
(c) The slaves are treated better.
(d) There is no crew, and the slaves do all the work on the ship.

3. When Equiano is sold to a merchant in Tinmah, how is he treated?
(a) He is treated so well that he almost forgets he's a slave.
(b) He is treated so badly that he wishes he were dead.
(c) He is completely ignored; he is not made to work, but he is also not fed.
(d) He is told that he is no longer a slave.

4. What do the crew do to Equiano when he refuses to eat?
(a) Make him walk the plank.
(b) Ignore him.
(c) Beat him.
(d) Beg him to eat.

5. How do the Eboe dress?
(a) Both men and women wrap a single piece of blue fabric around their bodies.
(b) The men wear pants and white shirts, and the women wear long, colorful dresses.
(c) Wealthier Eboe people wear elaborate costumes made of feathers, precious gems, and animal skin, but poor Eboe are nearly naked.
(d) They go naked, except for a small loin cloth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Equiano's second West Indies owner promise to do for him later?

2. What do the Eboe mostly drink?

3. What island in the West Indies does Equiano's new owner take him to?

4. At the end of his long overland journey in Africa, where does Equiano arrive?

5. What animal does Equiano accidentally kill with a pebble?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do you think Pascal acts the way he does near the end of Chapter 4?

2. What features of the life of the Eboe people as Equiano describes are most interesting or surprising?

3. Compare Equiano's experiences in Montserrat with his experiences in Philadelphia.

4. Describe the system of slavery practiced among the Eboe people.

5. Based on Equiano's descriptions of his experience as an African slave, would you say that system of slavery seems to match what Equiano told the reader about it in Chapter 1?

6. How does being sold in the New World seem to differ from being sold in Africa?

7. Does Equiano's personality seem to change at all in Chapter 3?

8. Describe Captain Doran's personality.

9. Why does Equiano believe that the end of the war means he will be free?

10. How are King, Equiano, and Famer all characterized by the episode when King threatens to sell Equiano and Farmer persuades him not to do that?

(see the answer keys)

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