The Illearth War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Illearth War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Troy ignore about Covenant?
(a) Covenant's indignation at being asked to go to war.
(b) Covenant's saying he was too ill to go to war.
(c) Covenant's warning of what could happen.
(d) Covenant's trying to stop Elena from going with Troy.

2. What does Mhoram see in his dreams?
(a) Hile Troy can weild the white gold if Covenant will give it to him.
(b) Covenant will eventually rule the Land as a benevolent king.
(c) The Land will die without Covenant's help.
(d) Covenant can save or betray the Land.

3. Why is the council surprised about who is leading the army?
(a) Lord Foul has never left his castle before.
(b) They thought the giants were above working with Lord Foul.
(c) Centaurs have always stayed neutral in wars before.
(d) The minatour had pledged his loyalty to the council.

4. What happens when Amok says he must go?
(a) The coucil tries to force him to stay.
(b) He simply vanishes.
(c) Covenant grabs him.
(d) The council places him under house arrest.

5. What does Covenant think of the other land?
(a) He thinks they are kind but misguided.
(b) He wishes he could stay there.
(c) He loves being a hero.
(d) He believes it does not exist and he is dreaming.

6. What does Elena do when the interpreter arrives?
(a) Leaves.
(b) Gives them both a lecture.
(c) Asks the interpreter to interpret one of her dreams.
(d) Stays to hear what Covenant says.

7. How does Covenant go to town?
(a) Walks.
(b) Drives his car.
(c) Hitchhikes.
(d) Rides his bike.

8. What happens to the stables on Covenant's land?
(a) They burn.
(b) Nothing.
(c) They collapse.
(d) Covenant turns them into an art studio.

9. Who is Trell?
(a) The father of the girl Covenant had raped.
(b) One of Covenant's staunchest supporters.
(c) A palace guard.
(d) A wood cutter.

10. What has been taken over by the ravers?
(a) No one.
(b) The centaru, minatour and one giant.
(c) Three giant brothers.
(d) Three kings of other countries.

11. Why does Covenant decide to go to town?
(a) To return some books to the library.
(b) A reality check.
(c) To harass others.
(d) To buy some groceries.

12. Why does Covenant ride away angry?
(a) Elena tries to kiss him again.
(b) Troy insults him and calls him a coward.
(c) Telling a story upsets him.
(d) Trell tries to attack him again.

13. Who is never seen again after being pulled into the river?
(a) Trell.
(b) Lena.
(c) Lord Shetra.
(d) Runnik.

14. Where does Covenant appear in the Land when he returns in Chapter 3?
(a) The council chamber of the Lords in Revelstone.
(b) A mountain top.
(c) Under a mountain.
(d) Beside a stream.

15. What does Covenant think is deadly?
(a) To believe Elena forgives him.
(b) To hope Joan wants him back.
(c) To believe his son loves him.
(d) To believe in the Land.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is left of the woman with leprosy?

2. What does the interpreter say about Covenant's dreams?

3. Why does it seem that Covenant may have taken a journey when he wakes in Chapter 1?

4. For what sign was Amok waiting?

5. Why does Covenant's wife divorce him?

(see the answer keys)

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