The House We Grew Up In Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa Jewell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 266 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House We Grew Up In Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa Jewell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 266 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What part of Bird House does Rory have the most fond memories of?
(a) The yard.
(b) The living room.
(c) The kitchen.
(d) His bedroom.

2. In Chapter 14, how does Lorelei get the money for the repairs her car needs?
(a) She sells a ring.
(b) Colin gives her the money.
(c) Jim gives her the money.
(d) She uses her food money.

3. What does Lorelei think Meg should do with her money instead of spending it on a ski vacation?
(a) Buy herself some more colorful clothes.
(b) Buy some things to make her house more cheerful.
(c) Buy Rory a plane ticket home.
(d) Give it to Lorelei.

4. In her Chapter 8 email to Jim, what does Lorelei compare herself to?
(a) Magpie.
(b) Lark.
(c) Rabbit.
(d) Pack rat.

5. Why does Beth come home to England in September of 2006?
(a) Her mother asks her to.
(b) She misses Meg.
(c) Her Australian visa has expired.
(d) She needs to see a British doctor.

6. What is Meg's reaction to Lorelei's eulogy for Vicky?
(a) She is pleased at how well her mother did.
(b) She is embarrassed that people now know about Lorelei's and Vicky's romantic relationship.
(c) She is worried by the obvious decline in Lorelei's mental acuity.
(d) She is angry that Lorelei made the eulogy all about herself.

7. What is the first symptom of illness that Lorelei reveals to Jim?
(a) A persistent deep cough.
(b) A sharp pain in her lungs.
(c) A prolonged bout of diarrhea.
(d) A high fever and chills.

8. Which best describes Lorelei's attitude about Jim's drinking?
(a) She is understanding to the point of almost encouraging him to drink.
(b) She refuses to hear anything about his problem and ignores its existence.
(c) She makes it clear that she disapproves of the behavior, not Jim as a person.
(d) She wishes she had the strength to distance herself from him while he is drinking.

9. When they all go to the funeral home to see Lorelei, what does Colin say Lorelei looks like?
(a) A bird.
(b) A mummy.
(c) A witch.
(d) A child.

10. When Meg sees Colin in Chapter 9, to what does she attribute her weight loss?
(a) Several years without a pregnancy.
(b) Anger about her mother's hoarding disorder.
(c) Grief over her mother's death.
(d) The events at Vicky's funeral.

11. What is the "follow-on milk" that Meg discovers in Lorelei's kitchen?
(a) Supplemental nutrition for sick or elderly people.
(b) Milk that has had the lactose removed.
(c) Plant-based, dairy-free milk.
(d) Baby formula for older babies.

12. When Lorelei thinks that Jim has abandoned her toward the end of March, what does she not know about Jim's situation?
(a) He is in the middle of driving to see her.
(b) He is serving a short jail sentence.
(c) He is on a drinking binge.
(d) His ex-wife has reappeared in his life.

13. Where is Colin on Easter of 2005, when he emails all three of his children?
(a) Chiang Mai.
(b) Sydney.
(c) Madrid.
(d) Andalusia.

14. Where does Colin decide to stay while he is in England helping Meg clear out Bird House?
(a) His brother's house.
(b) Bird House.
(c) Vicky's former home.
(d) Meg's hotel.

15. After the first day of clearing out Bird House, what kind gesture does Meg make toward Colin?
(a) She offers to pay for his return ticket to Spain.
(b) She tells him that he can keep anything he wants to from Bird House.
(c) She invites Tia to come and stay with her and Molly in London.
(d) She invites him to come back to the hotel to take a shower and have dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the descriptions of Bird House in the Epilogue meant to convey?

2. What piece of information does Colin reveal about Tia during his visit to Rory?

3. From Beth's perspective, what causes her to faint in Meg's living room?

4. To what fictional character does Colin unfavorably compare Owen?

5. In 2005, what does Lorelei do for the first time in decades?

(see the answer keys)

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