The House We Grew Up In Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa Jewell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 266 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House We Grew Up In Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa Jewell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 266 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Meg sees Colin in Chapter 9, to what does she attribute her weight loss?
(a) Anger about her mother's hoarding disorder.
(b) The events at Vicky's funeral.
(c) Several years without a pregnancy.
(d) Grief over her mother's death.

2. Why is Rory unable to travel around with Colin when Colin comes to Thailand?
(a) Owen will not give him time off of work.
(b) The police are looking for Rory.
(c) Rory has lost his passport.
(d) Rory does not have enough money.

3. When Rory is living overseas, which of his family members does he miss the most?
(a) Colin.
(b) Beth.
(c) Meg.
(d) Lorelei.

4. As Lorelei grows sicker, whom does she find herself thinking about more and more?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Colin.
(c) Rhys.
(d) Vicky.

5. Why is Meg pleased that Bill decides not to come to Vicky's funeral?
(a) She knows that Bill never liked her mother or Vicky.
(b) She is tired of Bill's grouchy, hostile attitude toward her and the children.
(c) She wants a chance to confront her father without Bill intervening.
(d) She wants both Beth and the funeral to herself.

6. Besides Vicky's funeral, what does Kayleigh say brought her back to England?
(a) Wanting to see her own family.
(b) Wanting Tia to meet the family.
(c) Wanting to help Lorelei.
(d) Wanting to confront Beth.

7. What middle name has Beth given her daughter?
(a) Megan.
(b) Pandora.
(c) Lorelei.
(d) Athena.

8. What personal question about his relationship with Kayleigh does Meg ask Colin during dinner in the village?
(a) Whether he worries that Kayleigh would rather be with Rory.
(b) Whether he and Kayleigh sleep in the same bed.
(c) Whether he and Kayleigh intend to have a baby together.
(d) Whether he was jealous when Kayleigh's other boyfriend still lived with them.

9. When Colin is in Thailand, what does he tell Rory that Lorelei has begun hoarding?
(a) Baby clothes.
(b) Newspapers.
(c) Aluminum cans.
(d) Easter eggs.

10. To what fictional character does Colin unfavorably compare Owen?
(a) Dr. Frankenstein.
(b) Mr. Burns.
(c) Tony Soprano.
(d) Ebenezer Scrooge.

11. What is the name of Meg's youngest child?
(a) Stanley.
(b) Charlie.
(c) Alfie.
(d) Harry.

12. When Meg realizes that they will need more help with clearing out Bird House, what suggestion of Colin's does she reject?
(a) Asking Maddy and Sophie to help.
(b) Letting Beth come help them.
(c) Getting rid of everything without sorting through it.
(d) Asking for help from the council.

13. After the first day of clearing out Bird House, what kind gesture does Meg make toward Colin?
(a) She offers to pay for his return ticket to Spain.
(b) She tells him that he can keep anything he wants to from Bird House.
(c) She invites him to come back to the hotel to take a shower and have dinner.
(d) She invites Tia to come and stay with her and Molly in London.

14. When Beth and Meg are lying in the hammock and talking, what does Beth say she remembers from around the time that Rhys died?
(a) Colin buying a length of rope in the village hardware store.
(b) Vicky being in their house a day earlier than everyone else remembers.
(c) Rhys and Rory getting into a huge fight that Rory has never admitted to.
(d) Lorelei coming out of his room, looking as if something terrible had happened.

15. Why does Meg assign Beth the job of sorting things in the yard while Meg, Molly, and Colin clear out the inside of the house?
(a) Beth is not physically strong enough to do the lifting and climbing required inside the house.
(b) The air inside the house is dangerous for the baby.
(c) Meg is worried that the inside of the house will be too upsetting for Beth.
(d) Beth cannot fit into the narrow spaces inside Bird House.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gift did Bill give Meg when he was trying to get her to let him come home after she kicked him out?

2. What do Meg and Beth object to about the outfit the funeral home has dressed Lorelei in?

3. When Rory gets the email from Colin in 2005, how does he react?

4. What does Lorelei say "spirit" is just another word for? (362)

5. What does Meg learn is Lorelei's cause of death?

(see the answer keys)

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