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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do Colquitt and Pie eat for dinner on the evening of the day they meet the Harralsons?
2. What is Claire's husband's name?
3. Who does Colquitt first compare Kim to?
4. What day of the week is it when Virginia comes to Colquitt's house to tell her that Anita was upset by a movie on television?
5. With whom is Lucas rumored to have had some funny dealings at his prior job?
Short Essay Questions
1. After attending Eloise Jennings' Christmas party, what does Claire speculate has irritated Eloise?
2. How is Kim's design of the Douglas house going in comparison to the work on the Harralson house?
3. Why is Kim upset while he's at the Harralson's party?
4. Why are Walter and Colquitt uncomfortable with the way Pie talks about Buddy's co-workers at the firm?
5. Why is Colquitt surprised to hear that a house is being built on the McIntyre lot?
6. Why doesn't Colquitt think they will be punished if they end up burning the haunted house down?
7. Why does Walter say their yard looks like Disney World on the morning of Pie's party?
8. Why does Colquitt tie a knot in the bed sheets?
9. What is unusual about the behavior of Razz and Foster when the Harralson house begins going up?
10. Why does the arrival of Duck at the dinner party upset Anita?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Compare and contrast the Harralsons and the Sheehans. What is important to each couple? How is each couple affected by the house? What are their similarities and differences?
Essay Topic 2
In the end, has the house affected Kim or has Kim affected the house? What is ironic about the conclusion of the novel?
Essay Topic 3
Why do Walter and Colquitt decide not to tell anyone about their experiences in the house? What effect does this have on them? How does this decision serve to enhance the mystique of the house?
This section contains 762 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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