The History of the Kings of Britain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of the Kings of Britain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cassivelaunus do when he becomes worried that his army will starve to death?
(a) He finds food for them.
(b) He asks Caesar for food.
(c) He petitions Androgeus to intervene with Caesar on his behalf.
(d) He orders them to hunt.

2. Brutus secures the castle and leaves 600 soldiers to guard it while he goes out to tell the Trojan people of his recent victory. Pandrasus decides to attack the fortress by night. Is he successful in wearing down the Trojans inside?
(a) Yes.
(b) Not at first.
(c) No.
(d) Just at first.

3. What does Caesar think will be easy about the Britons?
(a) They will be easy to get along with.
(b) They will be an easy target for him to subjugate.
(c) They will be easy to convert.
(d) They will be easy to transport to Rome.

4. Why are these rivers so important?
(a) They are a home for many wild animals.
(b) They supply clean water to villages.
(c) They are beautiful.
(d) They bring goods and trade from all over the world.

5. Gwendolen bears a son called ________________.
(a) Heath.
(b) Matthew.
(c) Maddan.
(d) Habren.

6. Three longships arrive from Saxony, a province in Germany, bearing two men of huge stature. Who are these men?
(a) Hengist and Horsa.
(b) Vortimer and Voldemort.
(c) Vortigern and Renwein.
(d) Aurelius and Utherpendragon.

7. Once Caesar receives the hostages, what does he do?
(a) He sells them to other countries.
(b) He gathers his army and hastens into Britain again.
(c) He makes them his minions.
(d) He returns to Rome.

8. Geoffrey speaks highly of the ruler and asks that Alexander ignore what?
(a) The base language in which Geoffrey writes.
(b) The historical inaccuracies.
(c) The poor descriptions of the various kings.
(d) The fictional sections in the book.

9. In Greece, what does Brutus learn?
(a) He is Greek.
(b) A large number of Trojans are being kept in captivity.
(c) The leaders of Greece are Trojans.
(d) The Greeks are very intelligent.

10. Who impregnates a niece of Aeneas' wife?
(a) Aeneas' son.
(b) Aeneas' cousin.
(c) Aeneas' grandson.
(d) Aeneas' nephew.

11. How many of Caesar's soldiers are lost to the water?
(a) Dozens.
(b) Thousands.
(c) Hundreds.
(d) Many.

12. What happens when Cassivelaunus' nephew, Hirelgdas, is slain?
(a) He evacuates the village.
(b) He hides in his chambers.
(c) He goes on a rampage against Androgeus.
(d) He prays for his slain nephew.

13. After twenty years of rule, by what is Mempricius killed?
(a) A tornado.
(b) Ravenous wolves.
(c) His brother.
(d) An earthquake.

14. Does Locrinus marry Corineus' daughter, Gwendolen?
(a) Not until later.
(b) Yes, but he later divorces her.
(c) Yes.
(d) No.

15. Vortigern sends messengers to bid Hengist to return to Britain with a small company of men. With how many men does Hengist sail?
(a) Three thousand.
(b) One thousand.
(c) Four thousand.
(d) Two thousand.

Short Answer Questions

1. Guiderius manages to beat Claudius' forces back, but what happens to Guiderius?

2. When Corineus dies, what does Locrinus do?

3. Mempricius' son, Ebraucus, takes over control of Britain and reigns for how many years?

4. Together Claudius and Arvirargus build what city in honor of the marriage?

5. Aurelius and Utherpendragon are fostered by whom?

(see the answer keys)

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