The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word from Part II, Section 8 means ruling or dominant in a political or social context?
(a) Esoteric.
(b) Articulate.
(c) Admonic.
(d) Hegemonic.

2. After the British deposited Thibaw, Burma's major oil wells passed into British control and became the nucleus of a megacorporation that was known until the 1960s as what?
(a) Standard Oil.
(b) Burmah-Shell.
(c) Questerre Energy.
(d) Esso.

3. When was the first successful drilling of an oil well at Oil Well Creek organized?
(a) June 4, 1825.
(b) August 28, 1859.
(c) June 12, 1845.
(d) March 14, 1902.

4. Who wrote, asking of England, "And was Jerusalem builded here, / Among these dark Satanic mills?" (69)?
(a) William Blake.
(b) Stanislaw Lem.
(c) Ernest Gellner.
(d) Ian Hacking.

5. The story The Vampyre was based on what vampyric aristocrat?
(a) Thomas Burnet.
(b) Stanislaw Lem.
(c) August Darvell.
(d) John Milton.

6. Where is Mrauk-U located?
(a) Thailand.
(b) Bangladesh.
(c) Burma.
(d) Sri Lanka.

7. What geologist wrote, "Money flows toward short term gain and toward the over-exploitation of unregulated common resources" (110)?
(a) David Archer.
(b) Eduardo Kohn.
(c) Bill McKibben.
(d) Arudhati Roy.

8. Who "argues that one of the original impulses of modernity is the project of 'partitioning,' or deepening the imaginary gulf between Nature and Culture" (68)?
(a) Ernest Gellner.
(b) Bruno Latour.
(c) Stanislaw Lem.
(d) Ian Hacking.

9. When did the Kosi River disaster in Bihar occur?
(a) 2002.
(b) 2010.
(c) 2001.
(d) 2008.

10. Who was the author of The Malay Archipleago?
(a) Alfred Russell Wallace.
(b) Stanislaw Lem.
(c) Ernest Gellner.
(d) Ian Hacking.

11. What word from the book refers to the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history, as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time?
(a) Zeitgeist.
(b) Sythet.
(c) Corrolation.
(d) Inundation.

12. When was the Treaty of Nanking signed on the Cornwallis?
(a) 1815.
(b) 1849.
(c) 1913.
(d) 1842.

13. Where is Mount Tambora in relation to Bali?
(a) 300 kilometers east.
(b) 200 kilometers east.
(c) 400 kilometers east.
(d) 100 kilometers east.

14. About how long ago did China go through a "medieval economic revolution," according to the author in Part II, Section 5 (96)?
(a) 500.
(b) 1,500.
(c) 1,000.
(d) 2,000.

15. Who organized the first successful drilling of an oil well at Oil Well Creek?
(a) Colonel Thomas Burnet.
(b) Colonel George Marshall.
(c) Colonel Edwin L. Drake.
(d) Colonel Bill McKibben.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who wrote, "Twentieth-century art has tended to search itself rather than exterior reality for beauty of meaning or truth, a condition that entails a new relationship between the work of art, the world, the spectator, and the artist" (119)?

2. The author states in the opening of Part 1, Section 16, "To ask how science fiction came to be demarcated from the literary mainstream is to summon another question" (68). What is the question that he poses?

3. When was Frankenstein published?

4. Who wrote The Retreat of the Elephants?

5. What is the title and central subject of Part III?

(see the answer keys)

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