The Good Nurse Test | Final Test - Easy

Charles Graeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Nurse Test | Final Test - Easy

Charles Graeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was Dr. Henry Lee quoted in an interview about medical serial killers in the Los Angeles Times, according to the footnote from Part II: Chapter 56?
(a) March 23, 1993.
(b) April 29, 2002.
(c) December 6, 1977.
(d) October 3, 2003.

2. How many separate times, according to the records, did Charles Cullen order dig and then cancel it between when he started at Somerset Medical and June 27?
(a) 27.
(b) 17.
(c) 6.
(d) 15.

3. Who was the state coroner that performed the autopsy on McKinley Crews?
(a) Dr. Nobby C. Mambo.
(b) Dr. Bruce Ruck.
(c) Dr. William Cors.
(d) Eddy Bresnitz, MD.

4. On what date did Reverend Gall go into cardiac arrest, according to the hospital records in Part II: Chapter 52?
(a) June 28, 2003.
(b) July 25, 2003.
(c) March 23, 1993.
(d) October 3, 2003.

5. When Amy Loughren examined Charlie Cullen’s Pyxis charts with Danny and Tim in Part II: Chapter 46, she pointed out that Charlie was ordering dig about how many times a month?
(a) 2.
(b) 20.
(c) 5.
(d) 10.

6. Who was the Morris County Prosecutor in 2003?
(a) Michael Rubinaccio.
(b) Lisa Gannon.
(c) Raymond Fleming.
(d) Ernest Duh.

7. When did Amy Loughren graduate from nursing school?
(a) 1995.
(b) 1988.
(c) 1992.
(d) 1965.

8. On what date does the author open Part II: Chapter 46?
(a) October 3, 2003.
(b) December 11, 1997.
(c) July 25, 2003.
(d) November 24, 2003.

9. Who does the author say had ordered Tim Braun not to speak with the FBI regarding Charlie Cullen’s case in Part II: Chapter 56?
(a) Jesse Eichin.
(b) Danny Baldwin.
(c) Raymond Fleming.
(d) Prosecutor Forrest.

10. How old was Ethel Duryea when she was gunned down on the sidewalk in Newark, New Jersey?
(a) 50.
(b) 62.
(c) 43.
(d) 75.

11. How far along in her pregnancy did Tim Braun say Charlie’s girlfriend was in Part II: Chapter 56?
(a) 7 months.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 5 months.
(d) 3 months.

12. Who from Saint Luke’s “observed Charles Cullen sneaking from her patient’s room shortly before her patient unexpectedly coded and died,” according to the author in Part II: Chapter 35?
(a) Ellen Amedeo.
(b) Connie Trembler.
(c) Thelma Moyer.
(d) Robin Saulsberry.

13. On the message that Charlie Cullen left on Amy Loughren’s answering machine in Part II: Chapter 55, he said that what day might be possible for them to meet?
(a) Thursday.
(b) Saturday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Tuesday.

14. Where was the Somerset Medical staff Christmas party held, according to the author in Part II: Chapter 60?
(a) The New Brunswick Hilton ballroom.
(b) The Montgomery Holiday Inn ballroom.
(c) The Manhattan Four Seasons ballroom.
(d) The Bridgewater Marriot ballroom.

15. The author states in the beginning of Part II: Chapter 29, “Every body is a death, but not every death is” what?
(a) “A crime scene.”
(b) “Suspicious.”
(c) “A suicide.”
(d) “A body of evidence.”

Short Answer Questions

1. On what date does the author open Part II: Chapter 44?

2. The author states in Part II: Chapter 29, “Newark in the 1990s was the center of the murder universe, ‘the most dangerous city in America,’ according to” what publication?

3. What Spanish card game of chance is described in Part II: Chapter 52?

4. What was the name of the Italian restaurant Amy Loughren arranged to meet Charlie Cullen at in Part II: Chapter 58?

5. On what advertising item did Charles Cullen’s picture and a quote appear?

(see the answer keys)

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