The Good Earth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Earth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How tall is the Western Pagoda said to be in Wang Lung's village in Chapter 18?
(a) 2 stories tall.
(b) 3 stories tall.
(c) 4 stories tall.
(d) 5 stories tall.

2. Who is the first to discover and announce Wang Lung's love for another woman in Chapter 20?
(a) Liu.
(b) O-lan.
(c) Wang Lung's uncle.
(d) Wang Lung's aunt.

3. What does O-lan promise Wang Lung she will do for their youngest daughter in Chapter 18?
(a) Sell her to a merchant.
(b) Sell her to a soldier.
(c) Cut her hair.
(d) Bind her feet.

4. Who accompanies Wang Lung's uncle when he moves into Wang Lung's home in Chapter 20?
(a) His wife and son.
(b) His wife and two daughters.
(c) His son, cousin, and brother.
(d) His daughters.

5. What symbol of a band of robbers does Wang Lung's uncle wear inside his coat?
(a) A gold bracelet.
(b) A saber.
(c) A white beard.
(d) A red beard.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are the first members of Wang Lung's household that are moved to the new townhouse in Chapter 29?

2. For how many nights has Wang Lung's uncle not slept when he arrives at Wang's home in Chapter 20?

3. Who is the grain dealer that Lotus suggests Wang Lung speak to about marrying his son to the grain dealer's daughter in Chapter 23?

4. How old is Wang Lung's eldest son when Wang sends him to be educated?

5. Why has the price of grain risen in Chapter 31?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is O-lan's behavior as she lays dying described in Chapter 26?

2. What causes the flooding in Chapter 27? How does the flooding impact Wang Lung's village?

3. What decision does Wang Lung make regarding his second-eldest son in Chapter 25?

4. What is significant about Wang Lung's uncle's revelation that he is associated with the redbeards in Chapter 23?

5. How does Wang Lung's family go about relocating to the city in Chapter 29? Who is the last to leave the land?

6. How have Wang Lung's business, circumstances, and fate changed in the beginning of Chapter 17?

7. What does O-lan say regarding Cuckoo as she lays dying in Chapter 26?

8. What is at the root of the conflict between O-lan and Cuckoo in Chapter 21?

9. What leads Wang Lung to send his eldest sons away to school in Chapter 17?

10. What is the source of Wang Lung's main conflicts in Chapter 30?

(see the answer keys)

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