The Golden Goblet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden Goblet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ranofer do about Gebu's announcement?
(a) He runs away.
(b) He hits Gebu over the head.
(c) He's happy.
(d) Begs him to reconsider.

2. What does Heqet tell Rekh about in Chapter 5?
(a) Gebu beating Ranofer.
(b) Ranofer being so knowledgeable.
(c) Ibni stealing.
(d) Ranofer being so honest.

3. What does Ranofer decide to do?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Quit doing what Ibni asks.
(c) Run away from home.
(d) Tell Rekh what he is doing.

4. Who joins Ranofer and Heqet while they are arguing?
(a) Yethi.
(b) Pai.
(c) Kethe.
(d) The old man with the donkey.

5. Where does Ranofer and Heqet go for lunch?
(a) Near the river.
(b) In the apprentice quarters of Rekh.
(c) At his brother's house.
(d) In the back of a jewelry shop.

6. What does Ranofer decide later in the week about Ibni?
(a) He is taking advantage of Ranofer.
(b) He is a good person.
(c) He will make Ranofer a party to his schemes.
(d) He is wrong for his sister.

7. What does Ranofer find out after Ibni asks his favor?
(a) Ibni is paying Gebu to court their sister.
(b) Gebu is drinking too much.
(c) Ibni is paying Gebu blackmail money.
(d) Someone has been stealing from the work place.

8. Who comes upon Ranofer and stops him from seeing much of the hanging?
(a) Heqet.
(b) Gebu.
(c) The old man with the donkey.
(d) Ibni.

9. What does Ranofer think he has a plan to do?
(a) Killing his brother.
(b) Selling his brother into slavery.
(c) End his brother's stealing.
(d) Becoming an apprentice.

10. What is Ranofer often tempted to do when working?
(a) Daydream.
(b) Sing.
(c) Run away.
(d) Go to sleep.

11. What does Ranofer tell Heqet about as they work?
(a) Ibni and Gebu.
(b) His father's shop.
(c) His mother's death.
(d) His father's death.

12. What does Gebu tell Ranofer in Chapter 3?
(a) His father was a thief.
(b) He will turn him over to the constable.
(c) He will kick him out for disobedience.
(d) He will tell Rekh he has been stealing.

13. What does Rekh ask Ranofer?
(a) How he would pour gold.
(b) How he would make ornamental leaves.
(c) How he would make a box.
(d) How to make charcoal.

14. What does the old man encourage Ranofer to do?
(a) Find a wife.
(b) Strike out on his own.
(c) Come and work for him.
(d) Go home to be safe.

15. How do the days in the stone-cutting shop pass for Ranofer?
(a) Quickly.
(b) About the same as when he worked for Rekh.
(c) Slowly.
(d) He does not notice.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kinds of plans are kept in the scroll room?

2. Why are the two men Ranofer sees being hung being punished?

3. Who does Gebu bring to the shop with him sometimes?

4. Why do you think the scene with the hanging men might have been put into Chapter 3?

5. What does Ranofer take with him when he leaves for work the next morning in Chapter 4?

(see the answer keys)

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