The Golden Bowl Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden Bowl Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Maggie ashamed about during her conversation with the Prince in Book First Chapter 1?
(a) An inappropriate comment she made about the French.
(b) Her lack of fashion knowledge.
(c) How good the Prince's English is compared to her English.
(d) Her uneducated father.

2. What does Adam believe the ladies at his home are doing in Book Second Chapter 1?
(a) Trying to make friends with his daughter.
(b) Plotting against him.
(c) Wasting their time.
(d) Vying for his attention.

3. What does the Prince require Fanny to promise to do throughout his marriage?
(a) Keep in contact with him.
(b) Help guide him along the way.
(c) Give Maggie tips on how to be a good wife and mother.
(d) Only contact him when Maggie is out of town.

4. Who does Charlotte want to notice that she is together with the Prince at the party?
(a) Mr. Verver.
(b) Fanny.
(c) Maggie.
(d) Colonel Assingham.

5. What is Fanny's last name?
(a) Appleson.
(b) Arlington.
(c) Anglestone.
(d) Assingham.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Fanny travel home in Chapter 3 of Book Third?

2. How has Charlotte found out about the Prince's wedding to Maggie?

3. As of Book First, Chapter 2, what is the Prince feeling in regard to his upcoming nuptials?

4. According to Fanny and the Prince, how will Maggie react to the news that Charlotte is in town?

5. Who do Maggie and her father spend time with after lunch in Book Second Chapter 3?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Fanny feeling ill at ease in Book First Chapter 2?

2. What does Maggie share with the Prince about her father when the conversation turns to the romantic outlook of Americans?

3. Why is Adam happy with the state of his life? What is the one thing that is lacking?

4. What does the Prince think of Fanny Assingham?

5. What are the Prince and Charlotte discussing when Fanny returns to the room in Book First Chapter 3?

6. Maggie's father notices that Maggie has something on her mind in Book Second Chapter 4. What is it?

7. What does Charlotte confess to the Prince while they sat in the park in Book First Chapter 5?

8. What does Adam wonder when watching his daughter and her husband together?

9. What does the Prince think about during his carriage ride to Fanny's?

10. Why is the Prince marrying Maggie?

(see the answer keys)

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