The Glass Room Test | Final Test - Easy

Simon Mawer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Glass Room Test | Final Test - Easy

Simon Mawer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Hana and Liesel keep in touch in "Exile"?
(a) By telegrams.
(b) By letters.
(c) By email.
(d) By telephone.

2. In "Departure," Liesel's family must leave what city to catch their next train?
(a) Zurich.
(b) London.
(c) Paris.
(d) Geneva.

3. Where does a bomb land in "Lanik"?
(a) In the bathroom of the Landauer House.
(b) The garden outside of the Landauer House.
(c) In the Glass Room.
(d) In the kitchen of the Landauer House.

4. Ondine curses her lover that if he falls asleep he will _________.
(a) Have nightmares.
(b) Be able to fly.
(c) Stop breathing.
(d) Kill someone.

5. As Liesel is writing a reply to Hana in "Leaving," Viktor bursts into the room to announce that what have arrived?
(a) The tickets to London.
(b) The children.
(c) The Nazis.
(d) The tickets to America.

6. Where does Ondine go to die in grief?
(a) To the prairie.
(b) To the mountain.
(c) To the ocean.
(d) To the river.

7. Who at first relents from letting the Nazi scientist into the Landauer home in "Occupation"?
(a) Viktor.
(b) Tomas.
(c) Lanik.
(d) Stahl.

8. When did World War II begin?
(a) 1941.
(b) 1939.
(c) 1942.
(d) 1919.

9. As "Exile" begins, the Landauer family settles into a small villa in __________.
(a) Switzerland.
(b) France.
(c) England.
(d) Italy.

10. In "Paris," Tomas is scheduled to attend a medical conference and arrange for whom to attend?
(a) Hana.
(b) Oskar.
(c) Zdenka.
(d) Eve.

11. In "Storm," Stahl is furious because Hana has not _________.
(a) Answered his calls in a week.
(b) Called his wife.
(c) Told him she was married.
(d) Told him she was Jewish.

12. What is the laboratory of Stahl's referred to as in the novel?
(a) The Biometric Center.
(b) The Neutron Center.
(c) The Biodiversity Center.
(d) The Genetics Center.

13. Whom does Liesel discover in bed together in "Exile"?
(a) Viktor and Kata.
(b) Lanik and Kata.
(c) Oskar and Hana.
(d) Viktor and Marika.

14. What was the name of Stahl's wife?
(a) Kata.
(b) Marika.
(c) Hedda.
(d) Zdenka.

15. Where is the seat of federal authorities in Switzerland?
(a) Oslo.
(b) Bern.
(c) Zurich.
(d) Berlin.

Short Answer Questions

1. Viktor gets into an argument with an official in "Ocean" and is hit with what object?

2. Whom does Lanik admit to having watched undress one time in "Lanik"?

3. In "Ocean," the Landauer's train comes to a stop at a station where there are ________surrounding the station.

4. In "Leman," Liesel writes to Hana about not feeling angry with whom, although she feels she should be furious?

5. "Departure" begins with Liesel frightened and worried for whom?

(see the answer keys)

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