The Ginger Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ginger Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What items belonging to the landladies does Dangerfield pawn?
(a) Decanters.
(b) Lamps.
(c) Silverware.
(d) Earrings.

2. What does Miss Frost loan to Dangerfield?
(a) A book.
(b) A scarf.
(c) Some money.
(d) A car.

3. Dangerfield tells Miss Frost that he is going to call her ___________________.
(a) Lilly.
(b) Dollface.
(c) Love muffin.
(d) Dumpling.

4. O'Keefe tells Dangerfield that he had lost his nerve to ___________________.
(a) go to a prostitute.
(b) buy a car.
(c) return to law school.
(d) get married.

5. What is included with the letter from the person in #113?
(a) Money.
(b) Photos.
(c) Eviction notice.
(d) Key.

6. What does Dangerfield expect at this point in his life?
(a) A law degree.
(b) An inheritance.
(c) A new marriage.
(d) Reconciliation with Marion.

7. Which of the following has Mary NOT brought with her to London?
(a) Sewing machine.
(b) Plates.
(c) Car.
(d) Pans.

8. What prompts Dangerfield to run from the house?
(a) Someone is breaking in.
(b) The sound of a mob approaching.
(c) Skully appears.
(d) A fire starts.

9. What news does O'Keefe share with Dangerfield when he meets him in Dublin?
(a) He is getting married.
(b) He has a new job in Italy.
(c) He is going back to America.
(d) He has finally had sex.

10. Where does Dangerfield put the coins that are tossed at him at the pubs?
(a) His backpack.
(b) The pouch of the kangaroo costume.
(c) His hat.
(d) His coin purse.

11. Why is Tony Malarkey living behind a bolted door in his apartment?
(a) So his ex-wife can't get in.
(b) So his demons won't find him.
(c) So the police will be kept out.
(d) So the landlord can't evict him.

12. What type of business does O'Keefe want to start?
(a) Grocery.
(b) Restaurant.
(c) Cigar shop.
(d) Sporting goods store.

13. What does Miss Frost cook for Dangerfield for dinner?
(a) Sausages.
(b) Lamb stew.
(c) Sheep's head.
(d) Shepherd's pie.

14. Why does Miss Frost feel she is going to be damned to hell?
(a) For swearing at Dangerfield.
(b) For not giving up her seat on the bus.
(c) For not going to mass on Sunday.
(d) For having sex with Dangerfield.

15. With whom is O'Keefe trying to get a job?
(a) The Exchange Student program.
(b) Miss Manners' School.
(c) Lady Eclair.
(d) Vanity Fair.

Short Answer Questions

1. When is Marion coming back?

2. Why does Dangerfield call his landlady during dinner?

3. What is the predominant religion of Ireland?

4. What food does Miss Frost prepare for Dangerfield?

5. Which of the following is NOT part of the meal that Miss Frost prepares?

(see the answer keys)

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