The Forgotten Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Guy Sajer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Forgotten Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Guy Sajer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the name of the village Sajer reached after his truck ran out of gas?
(a) Outcheni.
(b) Tottez.
(c) Untoz.
(d) Warsaw.

2. How many of the 60,000 soldiers that participated in the counter thrust Sajer mentions in Part 2 Chapter 6 were Hitlerjugend?
(a) 18,000.
(b) 10,000.
(c) Half of them.
(d) 5,000.

3. Who did Sajer meet while contacting Ernest Neubach's parents in Berlin?
(a) Thomas.
(b) Ruth.
(c) Paula.
(d) Sarah.

4. How long did Guy Sajer train in Chemnitz?
(a) 24 months.
(b) 5 months.
(c) 12 months.
(d) 2 months.

5. Who did Sajer meet on the train which would bring him to the east for his training in Part 2 Chapter 5?
(a) Lensen and Hals.
(b) Hals and Westerben.
(c) Werseiter.
(d) Olheinten.

6. What division did Sajer volunteer for according to Part 2 Chapter 4?
(a) The 123th infantry division.
(b) The 23rd SS.
(c) Gross Deutschland division.
(d) The 12th Panzer Grenadier.

7. What did the German soldiers do with the Russian wounded?
(a) They were put on the trucks.
(b) They were let go.
(c) They were killed or left to die.
(d) They were treated.

8. How did the operation Sajer described in Part 2 Chapter 6 last?
(a) 30 days.
(b) 5 days.
(c) 10 days.
(d) 20 days.

9. What did Sajer say of the training in Part 2 Chapter 5?
(a) It was exhausting.
(b) It was easy to skip.
(c) It was mainly hand to hand combat training.
(d) It was simple.

10. Who was the leader of the unit Guy Sajer was assigned to?
(a) Feldwebel Laus.
(b) Feldwebel Westein.
(c) Feldwebel Heints.
(d) Feldwebel Robber.

11. What did Sajer do during the week and a half he spent in Berlin?
(a) Read German literature.
(b) Trained.
(c) Courted Paula.
(d) Rested.

12. How does Sajer describe the weather on October 30 in the Prologue?
(a) Cloudy and warm.
(b) Raining and cold.
(c) Sunny and warm.
(d) Cloudy and cold.

13. Who managed to stay with Sajer in the same detail?
(a) Nobody.
(b) Hals and Lensen.
(c) His commanding officer.
(d) His brother, Louis.

14. What training beside basic military training did Guy Sajer receive in his unit?
(a) Tank driving training.
(b) Truck driving training.
(c) Repair training.
(d) Tank shell loading training.

15. Who does Sajer notice survived the battle despite a wound and a broken arm in Part 2 Chapter 6?
(a) Uterbeick.
(b) Morvan.
(c) Olensheim.
(d) Hals.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sajer say one man on his unit did during the first two weeks on the front line?

2. When was Guy Sajer born?

3. Who did Guy associate himself with according to the Author's Preface and Prologue?

4. Who did Sajer decide to visit before returning to Alsace?

5. What does Sajer say fell constantly in Part 1 Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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