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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How many books of Phillis Wheatley's poetry were published during her lifetime?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) None.
2. What topic is NOT listed among the issues that the author of "Lonely in America" feels unable to fixate upon in order to dispel her sense of loneliness?
(a) The failures of the federal government.
(b) Friendship.
(c) Poverty.
(d) Racism.
3. Who founded the college in Alabama that the author of "'The Dear Pledges of Our Love'": A Defense of Phillis Wheatley's Husband" attended?
(a) Plantation owners.
(b) Former slaves.
(c) The Baptist Church of Alabama.
(d) The NAACP.
4. Of what feeling does the author of "Lonely in America" say she had been trying to cure in herself as a "strategy to ward off future misery" (34)?
(a) Depression.
(b) Joy.
(c) Optimism.
(d) Hope.
5. In what location did Granddaddy die within Kima Jones's poem "Homegoing, A.D."?
(a) In the backyard.
(b) In the bathtub.
(c) In his bed.
(d) On the porch.
6. Who else in Jesmyn Ward's family gets genetic testing done at the same time she does?
(a) Her mother and her father.
(b) Her mother and her sister.
(c) Her father and her brother.
(d) Her father and her uncle.
7. How often do historians say lynchings of African-Americans occurred in the early decades of the twentieth century?
(a) Every day.
(b) Every month.
(c) Every week.
(d) Every four days.
8. The author of "White Rage" states that the case of Connick vs. Thompson ruled that it was what "for a city prosecutor's staff to hide evidence that exonerated a black man who was rotting on death row for 14 years" (87)?
(a) Legal.
(b) Justified.
(c) Illegal.
(d) Unconstitutional.
9. The self-help book that the author of "Lonely in America" tries to live by within the essay says that "to become free of disappointment, one must acknowledge the obvious, then" (37) do what?
(a) Embrace it.
(b) Forget about it.
(c) Become familiar with its underpinnings..
(d) Learn to live with it.
10. In what year did Phillis Wheatley sail to London for a six week period in order to promote her poetry?
(a) 1773.
(b) 1832.
(c) 1768.
(d) 1901.
11. What term did the historians referred to in "Where Do We Go from Here?" use to describe the last reversal of African-American advancement?
(a) The Fakir.
(b) The Chasm.
(c) The Nadir.
(d) The Fatwa.
12. The author of "Where Do We Go from Here?" states that "we must know deep in our bones and in our hearts that if the ancestors survived" what, "we can survive anything" (62)?
(a) Systemic racism.
(b) The indignities of slavery.
(c) The Middle Passage.
(d) Jim Crow laws.
13. What company did Jesmyn Ward use in order to obtain a report of her genetic ancestry?
(a) Ancestry DNA.
(b) Living DNA.
(c) National Geographic Genographic Project.
(d) 23andMe.
14. What object does the speaker of the poem "Homegoing, AD" by Kima Jones smell that lets her know they are close to their destination?
(a) The sea air.
(b) The paper mill.
(c) The magnolia tree.
(d) The popping corn.
15. What does the author of "'The Dear Pledges of Our Love'": A Defense of Phillis Wheatley's Husband" state was the demographic makeup of her school in the 1970s?
(a) 99% Caucasian.
(b) 23% African-American, 48% Caucasian, and 29% Native American.
(c) 48% African American and 52% Caucasian.
(d) 99% African-American.
Short Answer Questions
1. What distinction does a senior editor announce as applying to the author of "The Weight" during the first week of his internship?
2. In the poem "Homegoing, AD" by Kima Jones, what kind of state does the narrator say she found out North Carolina is?
3. What is the name of the era in which African-Americans made leaps in advancement just after the end of slavery?
4. In what state was Trayvon Martin killed by a police officer?
5. Besides Phillis Wheatley, at least how many other slaves did her master own during his lifetime?
This section contains 601 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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