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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who calls out to Vega for help when the monstrous beasts begin to attack the crowd?
(a) Silas.
(b) Ezekiel.
(c) Morrigone.
(d) Alvis Alcumus.
2. Who is the only Council member that Vega notices is missing from the Duelum meeting?
(a) Morrigone.
(b) Duf Delphia.
(c) Thansius.
(d) Jurik Krone.
3. Who is the “tall, muscled eighteen-session-old Cutter” that congratulates Vega on her Duelum win at Stacks?
(a) Silas.
(b) Newton Tilt.
(c) Jurik Krone.
(d) Thaddeus Kitchen.
4. The stairs to the upper floors of Stacks are made of ___________________.
(a) Silver metal.
(b) Black marble.
(c) Clear glass.
(d) Stained oak.
5. What kind of surgery has been performed on Duf Delphia when Vega reaches the hospital in QUADRAGINTA UNUS: “Slivers Too Few”?
(a) He has had his appendix removed.
(b) His arm was amputated.
(c) His legs have been amputated.
(d) He has had a kidney transplant.
6. Morrigone's magical spell attempts to make Vega ___________________.
(a) Hate her brother.
(b) Lose her memory.
(c) Kill thansius.
(d) Vanish.
7. What does Vega describe as “a creature so gigantic it can block out the sun”?
(a) A frek.
(b) A jabbit.
(c) A creta.
(d) A colossal.
8. How many coins does Domitar tell Vega he won off her first fight in the Duelum?
(a) 50.
(b) 10.
(c) 30.
(d) 20.
9. Whom does Morrigone say Jurik Krone actually hated in TRIGINTA: “Do or Die”?
(a) Hector Jane.
(b) Morrigone.
(c) Thansius.
(d) Virgil Jane.
10. Whose portrait is hung over the doorway inside the Council headquarters in QUADRAGINTA TRES: “A Matter of Parchment”?
(a) Ezekiel's.
(b) Newton Tilt’s.
(c) Alvis Alcumus’s.
(d) Jurik Krone’s.
11. When Delph asks Vega what the celebration is for at dinner in QUADRAGINTA QUINQUE: “A Special Night,” Vega responds that today is what?
(a) Christmas Eve.
(b) Thanksgiving.
(c) Delph's birthday.
(d) Her birthday.
12. Who is the Wall worker that explains to Vega and Delph how Duf Delphia was injured?
(a) Thaddeus Kitchen.
(b) Silas.
(c) Jurik Krone.
(d) Alvis Alcumus.
13. What does Vega ask of Delph in the note that she leaves for him in QUADRAGINTA NOVEM: “To the Death”?
(a) To care for Harry Two if she dies.
(b) To kill her brother.
(c) To call on Morrigone.
(d) To meet her at the Quag after the fight.
14. What creature from Quentin Herms’s book is described as one “that would help you so long as you gave it a small gift each light”?
(a) A hob.
(b) An adar.
(c) A jabbit.
(d) A creta.
15. What does Hestia Loon give to Vega in the cloth bag in TRIGINTA DUO: “A Single Care”?
(a) Clothing.
(b) Weapons.
(c) Food.
(d) A puppy.
Short Answer Questions
1. What word is used in the novel to refer to Duf's prosthetic legs?
2. The word “amaroc” used in the novel is derived from the name “Amarok,” a gigantic wolf in what mythological system?
3. Duk Dodgson is described as a protégé of whom?
4. Who is Vega slated to fight in the second round of the Duelum?
5. The cobble that appears and attacks Vega is made of what material?
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