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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Now that Julia is no longer a virgin, what does Richard say that she has no hope for?
2. What does Ralph warn Julia against if she finds herself "with child"?
3. After visiting the shopkeeper, what does James ask of Julia?
4. Which errand does Julia call for Jimmy Dart to run for her?
5. What color were the pearls that Richard presented Julia with at dinner?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens after Richard demands that Julia dress up for a dinner engagement?
2. What does Julia learn when she encounters the linkboy?
3. Why is Ralph arrested?
4. After the attack, how does Julia make her way home and what does she tell her family?
5. What happens to Matthew Merry after Clary dies?
6. What is "Maying," and how is it celebrated?
7. What happens to Uncle John and Celia when they set out to have Julia's marriage annulled?
8. After Julia's encounter with Ralph in the village, what does she dream of when she falls to sleep that night?
9. What do Julia and James witness when they visit the hovel where the slave children live, and what is their response?
10. How does Richard and Julia's wedding progress?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
As adults, Julia and Richard learn that they had been raised under a dark lie. Explain the lie that the two had been living under, and the way that the truth directly affects their lives as adults.
Essay Topic 2
Julia is governed under the deeply patriarchal society perpetuated by the beliefs of her Grandmamma.
Part 1) Describe the way that Grandmamma believes a woman should act in this society.
Part 2) Explain the way that Grandmamma's beliefs directly affect Julia's relationships with men.
Part 3) Explain how Julia eventually begins to fight against Grandmamma's beliefs about gender roles and the impact that fight has on Julia's life.
Essay Topic 3
Throughout the novel, Julia is burdened with various recurring dreams. Choose one of the recurring dreams that Julia has, explain the symbolic significance. Finally, explain how the dream eventually morphs into a reality for Julia and what its consequences were.
This section contains 820 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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