The Ex Hex Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Erin Sterling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ex Hex Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Erin Sterling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Ex Hex Lesson Plans

1. In the Prologue, why is Vivi so upset?

She has just broke up with Rhys.

2. What does Aunt Elaine say never to mix with witchcraft?


3. What does Vivi use a spell to replicate in the Prologue?

Rhys's cologne.

4. What does Gwyn say she told Vivi never to do in the Prologue?

Date Witch Boys.

5. What does Rhys ask Vivi that she thinks is so charming in the Prologue?

If he could kiss her.

6. Who is Gwyn's cat?

Sir Purcival.

7. Where is Rhys originally from?


8. Why does Vivi get so angry with Rhys?

He is betrothed and did not tell her until they had dated for three months.

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