The Essex Serpent Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Essex Serpent Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What spectacle does the group touring the slums witness?
(a) A dog fight.
(b) A man playing a portable organ.
(c) A monkey performing.
(d) A small girl smoking.

2. What does Evansford do when he hears about an unexplained death in St. Osyth?
(a) Evansford paints each door lintel with chicken blood.
(b) Evansford shut's their town borders.
(c) He sacrifices a chicken to appease the Essex Serpent.
(d) He uses Cracknell's moles as wards.

3. What do the villagers of Aldwinter think of Cora?
(a) The villagers believe she was the root of the Essex Serpent.
(b) They think she brought trouble to their village.
(c) They think Cora caused Stella to get sick.
(d) Cora is blamed for the disappearance of Naomi.

4. How long is the carcass?
(a) 40 feet.
(b) 20 feet.
(c) 30 feet.
(d) 10 feet.

5. How is a story supposed to begin, according to Cora?
(a) One day, long ago.
(b) In the beginning.
(c) Long ago, and far, far away.
(d) Once upon a time.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Cora the Essex Serpent was found?

2. What does Charles Ambrose believe about the poor of Bethnal Green?

3. What does William dislike about Magog, when the family acquires him?

4. Why does Martha disapprove of hypnotizing Joanna?

5. What is on the piece of paper Naomi slips to Joanna in the classroom?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was watching Ambrose, Garrett, Spencer and Martha as they walked the streets of the housing project?

2. What is Cora's prefered interaction with William Ransome?

3. What kind of books did Cora request Luke bring for Francis?

4. What was Edward confessing to Martha regarding his involvement in his own stabbing?

5. What does Luke consider due to his feelings of uselessness because he can no longer perform surgery?

6. Where does William take Stella after Luke Garrett writes to him?

7. Why does Luke Garrett suggests hypnosis for Joanna?

8. What is causing Joanna's disdain for Naomi?

9. What caused Cora's harsh response to Luke Garrett's love declaration?

10. Why does Martha refuse Edward's marriage proposal?

(see the answer keys)

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