The Eagle's Gift Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Eagle's Gift Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the preliminary state of dreaming in which the senses grow dormant, though the person is still aware?
(a) Dynamic initiative.
(b) Dynamic vigil.
(c) Restful vigil.
(d) Passive witnessing.

2. Who says he/she will meet up with Carlos at a later time since they are destined to work together as warriors?
(a) Don Juan.
(b) No one.
(c) Rosa.
(d) La Gorda.

3. The goal of becoming and learning to be a sorcerer is to reach this luminous _____________.
(a) Level.
(b) Cocoon.
(c) Pod.
(d) Paper.

4. Who does La Gorda meet with daily with Eligio while dreaming together, something which shocks everyone?
(a) Rosa.
(b) Lydia.
(c) Josefina.
(d) Anne.

5. One time during Carlos' dream, the street becomes a primeval _________ in which Carlos finds himself.
(a) Town.
(b) Courtyard.
(c) Valley.
(d) Castle.

Short Answer Questions

1. __________ reminds everyone that Don Juan promised them that he would give them a sign to leave the world.

2. As a result of working with the tiger in the dream, Carlos begins to feel more ______________.

3. Don Juan orders Carlos to learn by interacting with __________ to face life's trying situations.

4. Pablito shares with the groups that the _________ are gigantic 'not doings' which is where warriors dream and use second attention.

5. To where does Carlos suggest that he and La Gorda go for a drive when they are talking together?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the explanation for Carlos' physical experience which La Gorda shares with him?

2. What do La Gorda and Carlos agree to do when they begin to do dreaming together?

3. What happens when Pablito tells the others he is going to Tula in order to die?

4. What happens when La Gorda declares that the power spot has given them freedom at this point of the story?

5. What has Don Juan foreseen happening to the apprentices when they are working together?

6. What happens when the apprentices try to reach a power spot in the mountains?

7. What happens during the process of ghost dreaming, according to Carlos and La Gorda?

8. What do Carlos and La Gorda see when they are sitting on the bench in Oaxaca and resting their heads together?

9. What does Carlos do in his dream once he realizes what he is supposed to do?

10. What happens to Carlos' body when he arrives back in Los Angeles and wakes up one morning?

(see the answer keys)

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