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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What reinforces Moiraine's belief that she is right over which she and Rand argued.
(a) The finding of numerous creatures of the dark Lord in the area.
(b) Perrin's report of Whitecloak presence in Arad Doman.
(c) Leya's report from Almoth Plain.
(d) Perrin's report of Seanchan in Arad Doman.
2. What is another name for the Children of the Light?
(a) Aes Sedai.
(b) Darkfriends.
(c) Ajah.
(d) Whitecloaks.
3. Who are the grunt soldiers of the Dark One?
(a) Myrddraal.
(b) Shadowhounds.
(c) Trollocs.
(d) The Forsaken.
4. What do the Seanchan do with women who can channel?
(a) Kill them.
(b) Send them to a special island where they live in luxury but cannot leave.
(c) Make them slave warriors.
(d) Honor them.
5. How is the ter'angreal arranged that Egwene must walk through?
(a) Three stone arches.
(b) A round portal.
(c) An egg-shaped web.
(d) A single rectangular door.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is a Myrddraal?
2. What does the term "gentled" mean in context of Egwene's vision?
3. Who is killed trying to save Perrin?
4. What is another name for Ordeith?
5. What do the Whitecloaks think of anyone who uses the One Power?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens as Nynaeve and Egwene are returning to Egwene's quarters in the White Tower?
2. Why does Nynaeve decide to find Mat and attempt to heal him herself?
3. What does Min tell Perrin about symbols she sees around him?
4. About what do Rand and Moiraine argue, and what does Rand do?
5. Why is Mat so hungry in the next few days after he is healed?
6. Where are Mat, Nynaeve, Egwene, Hurin and Verin Sedai at the opening of this chapter and what are they doing?
7. Describe Perrin's dream of the man in black who offers him wine.
8. How are novices raised to the level of Accepted?
9. Who does Mat challenge and beat in a mock fight?
10. What reports have been coming out of some villages about young men who look like Rand?
This section contains 952 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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